I had another post ready and then I saw the news. Janet is in Afghanistan to help seal the border there.
Now I will bet that the locals are real glad to see her. They like the open border and she has shown that she is for open borders.
She cant seal the border with Mexico and she lives here so I imagine her injection into this war means we will now loose it for sure if we weren't already. With Janet running the border show in Afghanistan I wonder how long it will be before the Taliban are controlling the southern border of the United States. It appears that both borders are the portals of drug smuggling so why not just join them and cut out the middle man, Mexico. That would bring down the price of drugs and increase the market here in the US.
She has enough to do here without gallivanting all over the world. But I guess if she isnt going to do her job on our southern border, at least, having her out of the country is a plus. Now if we could get a few others, of the administration, out of the country....and then control our borders.....we might have a win win situation.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
First and Second Ammendment Rights Taken Away by Napalitano
Janet Napolitano is violating the constitutional rights of a citizen without due process.
The first amendment to the Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech. The second amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.
The government just sent federal officers to the home of a pilot, Chris Liu, a commercial airline pilot based at San Francisco International Airport, that recently exposed the failures of Homeland Security in their "protection" of the airports of this land. He exposed the failures of Janet Napolitano so she reacted with the illegal seizure of his firearm which he was legally allowed to have by both the FAA and the State of California. She seized his weapon and forced the State of California to recall his "right to carry" permit. Then she accused him of terrorism and called him a threat.....accusations which she is still refusing to explain....all because he exposed HER failure to do HER duty to the country.
Janet Napolitano is the worst excuse for a public servant that I have ever seen. The woman would be a dictator similar to Chavez if she had the opportunity. Her "Deer in the headlights" expression every time she is asked a legitimate question shows her ignorance of US Law. How can she be qualified to be the head officer of a law enforcement group?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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The first amendment to the Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech. The second amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.
The government just sent federal officers to the home of a pilot, Chris Liu, a commercial airline pilot based at San Francisco International Airport, that recently exposed the failures of Homeland Security in their "protection" of the airports of this land. He exposed the failures of Janet Napolitano so she reacted with the illegal seizure of his firearm which he was legally allowed to have by both the FAA and the State of California. She seized his weapon and forced the State of California to recall his "right to carry" permit. Then she accused him of terrorism and called him a threat.....accusations which she is still refusing to explain....all because he exposed HER failure to do HER duty to the country.
Janet Napolitano is the worst excuse for a public servant that I have ever seen. The woman would be a dictator similar to Chavez if she had the opportunity. Her "Deer in the headlights" expression every time she is asked a legitimate question shows her ignorance of US Law. How can she be qualified to be the head officer of a law enforcement group?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A "Three Steps To Recovery Program"
These are the powers of the government as described by the Constitution of the United States:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;
To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;
To establish post offices and post roads;
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;
To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;
To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;
To provide and maintain a navy;
To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And
To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
These are ALL the powers of the Government. There are no other powers of the US Government that are within the Constitution of the US. Thus any powers that they describe for themselves that are not within the above Article 1 Section VIII of the United States Constitution are, by definition, UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
It should be painfully evident that Obama Care does NOT fit within this definition nor is it covered in ANY of the amendments to the Constitution.
1) In the future, all laws that are proposed before the House of Representatives or before the Senate of the United States should be measured against this ruler. If they fail to meed the definition they should be discarded WITHOUT A VOTE. There is no need to vote on an UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW. If it is unconstitutional and is passed on then the Supreme Court will throw it out....hopefully....but a lot of time and effort went into a useless exercise.
2) In the future all laws that are already "on the books" should be, also, measured and if found wanting, they should be removed from the body of the law. Admittedly, this second job will be a bit harder. It will take years and dedication and must be done slowly as you cannot just stop "cold turkey" from a drug, money, without huge headaches. It will take time and dedication to re craft our government back into a Constitutional government.
3) To this end we must elect dedicated public servants into the legislative bodies. These must be men and women with experience and capabilities not always found easily among the general public. It is for this reason that I suggest that "Term Limits" as we often describe them are not appropriate....at least until this job is done. Term Limits can be exercised by our vote. If they do wrong, vote them out.
But there is a way to limit the power of the long term politicians that often leads to corruption without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We need to get rid of the political corruption, but some of the men we need to retain for their talents.
Straight term limits just throws out the good with the bad. However limiting power within the structure, by mandating that all committee chairmen be elected by the members of the committee and that no chairman may chair for more than two sessions PERIOD, will reign in the long term power of Congressmen and Senators.
I propose an amendment to the Constitution that mandates, all the above, three steps to recovery. A "Three Steps to Recovery Program"
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
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The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;
To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;
To establish post offices and post roads;
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;
To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;
To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;
To provide and maintain a navy;
To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And
To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
These are ALL the powers of the Government. There are no other powers of the US Government that are within the Constitution of the US. Thus any powers that they describe for themselves that are not within the above Article 1 Section VIII of the United States Constitution are, by definition, UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
It should be painfully evident that Obama Care does NOT fit within this definition nor is it covered in ANY of the amendments to the Constitution.
1) In the future, all laws that are proposed before the House of Representatives or before the Senate of the United States should be measured against this ruler. If they fail to meed the definition they should be discarded WITHOUT A VOTE. There is no need to vote on an UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW. If it is unconstitutional and is passed on then the Supreme Court will throw it out....hopefully....but a lot of time and effort went into a useless exercise.
2) In the future all laws that are already "on the books" should be, also, measured and if found wanting, they should be removed from the body of the law. Admittedly, this second job will be a bit harder. It will take years and dedication and must be done slowly as you cannot just stop "cold turkey" from a drug, money, without huge headaches. It will take time and dedication to re craft our government back into a Constitutional government.
3) To this end we must elect dedicated public servants into the legislative bodies. These must be men and women with experience and capabilities not always found easily among the general public. It is for this reason that I suggest that "Term Limits" as we often describe them are not appropriate....at least until this job is done. Term Limits can be exercised by our vote. If they do wrong, vote them out.
But there is a way to limit the power of the long term politicians that often leads to corruption without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We need to get rid of the political corruption, but some of the men we need to retain for their talents.
Straight term limits just throws out the good with the bad. However limiting power within the structure, by mandating that all committee chairmen be elected by the members of the committee and that no chairman may chair for more than two sessions PERIOD, will reign in the long term power of Congressmen and Senators.
I propose an amendment to the Constitution that mandates, all the above, three steps to recovery. A "Three Steps to Recovery Program"
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
"Its All Her Fault"
I finally realized that its NOT George Bushes fault. Its also not Barack Obamas fault, in fact it is never the fault of any man. Women are the ones on whom the blame must fall. And as you follow that logic up stream you come to the conclusion that God is a woman, a belief that was popular in the late 1960s....right after he was dead.....must have been a rebirth???
Anyway, two days ago a bunch of us firemen and firewomen were sitting around the station and discussing the problems of the world when Jo Anne commented to her husband, "Dick, your suspenders are in need of adjustment." Dick, silently, adjusted them as best he could and then she said, "You have several GOOD pairs at home, Why dont you wear them?" Of course, that begs the question, "Why do Firemen wear red suspenders?" But thats a long subject that is fraught with pitfalls and arguments, so lets get on with my revelation.
It was then that I had one of my many epiphanies. I know, at 74 years of age I should have already learned just about everything and epiphanies should be behind me, but I am a slow learner. I suddenly realized that I had heard that very phrase before from my wife AND from many other wives. "You have some good ones, why don't you use them.....etc. etc." Women always know the location of and the uses of all our mens "junk".... because thats what it is ....until we need it....according to them....
I commented, "Men would still live in caves, sleeping on a pile of fur pelts, with a good cat and a big dog to keep him company and his clothes would only be enough to keep him warm and cover his genitals. If it were not for women." In fact it is actually women to blame that we men even worry about our genitals being covered, warm would be good enough for most men. I was amazed at the universal positive response I got from BOTH the men and women present. Women ARE responsible for civilization, they agreed. Men would never have come down out of the trees if left to themselves. They had a carefree, happy life swinging from tree top to tree top and eating bananas.
Without civilization there would be no wars so women are to blame for wars and men are dumb enough to fight them on behalf of the woman that wants a new dryer for the garage. For men, hanging the loincloth in a tree will suffice.
So, since its their fault, I think the next best presidential ticket would be Sara and Hillary and you can turn that either way round and I would vote for it. Its their fault so they should manage it. I want to go back to my cave.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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Anyway, two days ago a bunch of us firemen and firewomen were sitting around the station and discussing the problems of the world when Jo Anne commented to her husband, "Dick, your suspenders are in need of adjustment." Dick, silently, adjusted them as best he could and then she said, "You have several GOOD pairs at home, Why dont you wear them?" Of course, that begs the question, "Why do Firemen wear red suspenders?" But thats a long subject that is fraught with pitfalls and arguments, so lets get on with my revelation.
It was then that I had one of my many epiphanies. I know, at 74 years of age I should have already learned just about everything and epiphanies should be behind me, but I am a slow learner. I suddenly realized that I had heard that very phrase before from my wife AND from many other wives. "You have some good ones, why don't you use them.....etc. etc." Women always know the location of and the uses of all our mens "junk".... because thats what it is ....until we need it....according to them....
I commented, "Men would still live in caves, sleeping on a pile of fur pelts, with a good cat and a big dog to keep him company and his clothes would only be enough to keep him warm and cover his genitals. If it were not for women." In fact it is actually women to blame that we men even worry about our genitals being covered, warm would be good enough for most men. I was amazed at the universal positive response I got from BOTH the men and women present. Women ARE responsible for civilization, they agreed. Men would never have come down out of the trees if left to themselves. They had a carefree, happy life swinging from tree top to tree top and eating bananas.
Without civilization there would be no wars so women are to blame for wars and men are dumb enough to fight them on behalf of the woman that wants a new dryer for the garage. For men, hanging the loincloth in a tree will suffice.
So, since its their fault, I think the next best presidential ticket would be Sara and Hillary and you can turn that either way round and I would vote for it. Its their fault so they should manage it. I want to go back to my cave.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The TEA Party is like a marriage
I have been having some discussions with fellow TEA Party people as well with a couple of local politicians about the role of the TEA Party and how to keep it viable.
One of the things that I have been asserting, and some disagree with me, is that the TEA Party should keep to Constitutional and Fiscal issues at the National level and to local issues at the local level. And we should keep clear of Social issues at any level except, maybe, at the local level. In other words, we should not get to bickering among ourselves about issues such as abortion, gays in the military, and FDA regulations. These have all been declared Constitutional and the the laws are in place. We can argue them till the cows come home, but its the law. Local issues like gambling and blue laws etc. can be fought outside the box of the TEA Party as they will only prove to be divisive. I dont say we need to ignore these problems, only that we need to fight those battles as individuals and not try to Co-Opt the TEA Party to fight those battles. Those issues are not part of our "platform". We cannot afford to become fractured into small groups over issues that have relevance only to a local few or that we find are across party lines and more likely to be issues of moral beliefs.
However, Tenth Amendment rights of the states as it relates to the Obama Care bill have NOT been tested at the Constitutional level and we should work on that.
We have First Amendment rights issues with the FCC in their attempts to regulate the Internet. These we should pursue.
We have Second Amendment rights issues with legislation that the Congress is always trying to shove down out throats. We need to keep on their backs about these.
And of course, fiscal responsibility and the huge national debt are issues that we all agree on.
The TEA Party is like a marriage in that you can keep it together if you avoid poking each other in the ribs with a sharp stick about your disagreements and concentrate on having fun with what you agree on.
A divorce now would be a disaster.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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One of the things that I have been asserting, and some disagree with me, is that the TEA Party should keep to Constitutional and Fiscal issues at the National level and to local issues at the local level. And we should keep clear of Social issues at any level except, maybe, at the local level. In other words, we should not get to bickering among ourselves about issues such as abortion, gays in the military, and FDA regulations. These have all been declared Constitutional and the the laws are in place. We can argue them till the cows come home, but its the law. Local issues like gambling and blue laws etc. can be fought outside the box of the TEA Party as they will only prove to be divisive. I dont say we need to ignore these problems, only that we need to fight those battles as individuals and not try to Co-Opt the TEA Party to fight those battles. Those issues are not part of our "platform". We cannot afford to become fractured into small groups over issues that have relevance only to a local few or that we find are across party lines and more likely to be issues of moral beliefs.
However, Tenth Amendment rights of the states as it relates to the Obama Care bill have NOT been tested at the Constitutional level and we should work on that.
We have First Amendment rights issues with the FCC in their attempts to regulate the Internet. These we should pursue.
We have Second Amendment rights issues with legislation that the Congress is always trying to shove down out throats. We need to keep on their backs about these.
And of course, fiscal responsibility and the huge national debt are issues that we all agree on.
The TEA Party is like a marriage in that you can keep it together if you avoid poking each other in the ribs with a sharp stick about your disagreements and concentrate on having fun with what you agree on.
A divorce now would be a disaster.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Nuclear Intercontinental Balastics Missles In Venezuela?
Well, no,.....not exactly......as the old Hertz car rental advertisement used to say.
BUT....Iran has made an agreement with Hugo to place an Iranian missile base in Venezuela. The Iranian Shahab 3 (range 1300-1500 km), Scud-B (285-330 km) and Scud-C (300, 500 and 700 km) will be deployed in the proposed base according to one German news service.
Now, look at a map and just how far is it from Venezuela to Texas? Its approximately 4,000 Km. From NY, 3,500Km. From Miami, 2,100km. According to the above intended missile list, the longest range missile, the Shahab 3, has a range of only 1500 km thats just a bit less than the distance to Miami FL.. We are in the clear, right? Well, ....not exactly...... The argument for this base is that Iran needs to defend itself from Israel.....about 10,000 Km away. How will they defend themselves from Israel with missiles that cant even reach the US?
I guess they will have to put in some longer range missiles, right? If they put in a missile with the range to reach to Israel, that missile will have the range to reach ANY PLACE IN THE USA.
Even if they don't put in longer range missiles, just how hard do you think it would be to "soup up" the 1500Km missile to get another 600 km out of it. Then they only have to threaten to nuke Miami to get concessions.
But they don't have nuclear warheads, right?..... well, not exactly.....They have the ability to get them from several sources that are on their side politically. AND the current intelligence suggests that they will have their own nuclear warheads within two years.
But thats still OK because Obama, is a Democrat, like Kennedy, right? So He will stop the deployment of these missiles to Venezuela just like Kennedy did to Cuba. right? A blockade. right?
Personally I would not want to be living in Miami, as nice a place as it is, until someone besides Obama is in the Whitehouse.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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BUT....Iran has made an agreement with Hugo to place an Iranian missile base in Venezuela. The Iranian Shahab 3 (range 1300-1500 km), Scud-B (285-330 km) and Scud-C (300, 500 and 700 km) will be deployed in the proposed base according to one German news service.
Now, look at a map and just how far is it from Venezuela to Texas? Its approximately 4,000 Km. From NY, 3,500Km. From Miami, 2,100km. According to the above intended missile list, the longest range missile, the Shahab 3, has a range of only 1500 km thats just a bit less than the distance to Miami FL.. We are in the clear, right? Well, ....not exactly...... The argument for this base is that Iran needs to defend itself from Israel.....about 10,000 Km away. How will they defend themselves from Israel with missiles that cant even reach the US?
I guess they will have to put in some longer range missiles, right? If they put in a missile with the range to reach to Israel, that missile will have the range to reach ANY PLACE IN THE USA.
Even if they don't put in longer range missiles, just how hard do you think it would be to "soup up" the 1500Km missile to get another 600 km out of it. Then they only have to threaten to nuke Miami to get concessions.
But they don't have nuclear warheads, right?..... well, not exactly.....They have the ability to get them from several sources that are on their side politically. AND the current intelligence suggests that they will have their own nuclear warheads within two years.
But thats still OK because Obama, is a Democrat, like Kennedy, right? So He will stop the deployment of these missiles to Venezuela just like Kennedy did to Cuba. right? A blockade. right?
Personally I would not want to be living in Miami, as nice a place as it is, until someone besides Obama is in the Whitehouse.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Friday, December 10, 2010
If This Wasnt So Sad, It Would Make You Laugh
At conference on Global Warming recently, some college students, as a prank, passed around a couple of petitions to the "Experts" attending the conference.One of the petitions was to punish the US for their refusal to take a strong stance to limit global warming by trying to collapse the US economy by 6% in the next 10 years. The other was a petition to Ban Water, Its Dangerous as a component of Acid Rain and Insecticides and contributes to global warming. They got plenty of signatures on their petitions which just goes to show that there is a fool born every minute. They described water as Di-hydrogen Monoxide. OK, that is a bit of a subterfuge, but then these people are supposed to be "experts" on global warming, scientists.
The best definition of an "Expert" that I know is:
Ex denotes a "has been"
and a spurt is a "drip under pressure."
Or another I have heard, "A man with a briefcase, 25 miles from the office"
We need fewer experts and more thinkers.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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The best definition of an "Expert" that I know is:
Ex denotes a "has been"
and a spurt is a "drip under pressure."
Or another I have heard, "A man with a briefcase, 25 miles from the office"
We need fewer experts and more thinkers.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
We Got Screwed And We Didnt Even Get Dinner And Wine!
Obama pulled it off all by himself and the Democrats are even fighting him.
This "agreement" on the extended tax cuts is a Trillion dollar stimulus package that will further hurt the country with little or no benefit to the people.
13 months of unemployment is outrageous. Thats 3 years without a job and everyone of them will become wards of the state and so dependant on government money that they will then vote for anything the Progressives ask for.
And what do the conservatives get, an extension for two years of the current tax structure. Not a reduction in Taxes, just an extension of the status quo, a tax rate that has been with us for 10 years.
It looks like the Liberals may stick their finger in their own eye. For once I am voting with the Liberals, against this travesty. I agree, he caved too soon. Hopefully the House will reject it after taking 2 weeks to fight over it.
It would be much easier if he has stood his ground and wasted the entire Lame Duck session on arguing this thing and failing to get ANYTHING done. Then in the first weeks of January, the newly elected 63 representatives and the Republicans could ride to the rescue by passing the extension and saving the people from the evil Taxman. It wont make a bit of difference to the taxpayer that its two weeks late. They will get their first checks shorted but the next one will be fine, showing how much the Republicans are on their side. This is the kind of spin we are used to from the Democrats, right.
But even with this out of the way....where is his focus on Jobs??? I havent yet heard anything about creating jobs...unless we are talking about the people that will be hired to write all those extra unemployment checks.....
And, can you imagine this? Who is going to be the first one to say, "Well, the recession is now over and we are cutting unemployment back to only 6 months where it was" before this fiasco? Do we really expect that it will ever again be just 6 months?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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This "agreement" on the extended tax cuts is a Trillion dollar stimulus package that will further hurt the country with little or no benefit to the people.
13 months of unemployment is outrageous. Thats 3 years without a job and everyone of them will become wards of the state and so dependant on government money that they will then vote for anything the Progressives ask for.
And what do the conservatives get, an extension for two years of the current tax structure. Not a reduction in Taxes, just an extension of the status quo, a tax rate that has been with us for 10 years.
It looks like the Liberals may stick their finger in their own eye. For once I am voting with the Liberals, against this travesty. I agree, he caved too soon. Hopefully the House will reject it after taking 2 weeks to fight over it.
It would be much easier if he has stood his ground and wasted the entire Lame Duck session on arguing this thing and failing to get ANYTHING done. Then in the first weeks of January, the newly elected 63 representatives and the Republicans could ride to the rescue by passing the extension and saving the people from the evil Taxman. It wont make a bit of difference to the taxpayer that its two weeks late. They will get their first checks shorted but the next one will be fine, showing how much the Republicans are on their side. This is the kind of spin we are used to from the Democrats, right.
But even with this out of the way....where is his focus on Jobs??? I havent yet heard anything about creating jobs...unless we are talking about the people that will be hired to write all those extra unemployment checks.....
And, can you imagine this? Who is going to be the first one to say, "Well, the recession is now over and we are cutting unemployment back to only 6 months where it was" before this fiasco? Do we really expect that it will ever again be just 6 months?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What a diference a day makes (Nov 2nd,,,)
First the stimulus would make sure that unemployment would stay below 8% and if it didn't get passed he was sure it would reach 9%. Today he said it kept unemployment at 9.8% and if it hadn't been passed it would have been "15% or more." Looks like he runs on a sliding scale.
Guantanamo was to be closed in the first year of his presidency and now they say never.
He said he would never approve letting the Bush tax cuts extend after December 31st Now, today, he said they would go on for another 2 years. (putting them into the next presidents administration...) I love the way he says that he will "Give them the money" Just when was it his money to give, It was my impression it was mine to keep until the government wanted to confiscate it from me. The government had nothing to do with the creation of that wealth, why do they think it is theirs to distribute?
Then in almost the same breath he says that we should look at his achievements and we would see that he has kept his promises. Where? What?
Ok, Ok, Maybe I shouldnt be complaining about the results, because its what I would have wanted. But I get aggravated at the "Spin" that he puts on it. He tries to make it look like it was his idea to be beaten to a pulp and left in the ally bleeding and dirty.
But in all fairness he did manage to slip in an 800 billion "Stimulus Package" by not calling it a stimulus. He is allowing the tax cuts to go on, costing 80 billion, Hes is giving a FICA tax holiday costing another huge amount of deficit spending, And on top of that another year of unemployment checks, huge deficit.
I can tell you when I was unemployed in 1990 and I had 6 months of benefits I actually said to my wife, "I am going to get every penny before I look too hard for a job." Yes, if one had fallen in my lap I would have taken it but otherwise it was a six month paid vacation....and we did go on vacation during that period. All in all, I am not sure that the Republicans didn't get snookered in spite of what the left is screaming about. An 800 billion stimulus package that was called a "compromise."
His comments today that he would not let the Republicans hold the middle class hostage to give their rich friends a tax cut was stated in such away you would think he was the most generous person in the world, He actually implied that the Republicans didn't want the middle class to have a tax break. That was a lie and he knew it....He Lies.....
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Guantanamo was to be closed in the first year of his presidency and now they say never.
He said he would never approve letting the Bush tax cuts extend after December 31st Now, today, he said they would go on for another 2 years. (putting them into the next presidents administration...) I love the way he says that he will "Give them the money" Just when was it his money to give, It was my impression it was mine to keep until the government wanted to confiscate it from me. The government had nothing to do with the creation of that wealth, why do they think it is theirs to distribute?
Then in almost the same breath he says that we should look at his achievements and we would see that he has kept his promises. Where? What?
Ok, Ok, Maybe I shouldnt be complaining about the results, because its what I would have wanted. But I get aggravated at the "Spin" that he puts on it. He tries to make it look like it was his idea to be beaten to a pulp and left in the ally bleeding and dirty.
But in all fairness he did manage to slip in an 800 billion "Stimulus Package" by not calling it a stimulus. He is allowing the tax cuts to go on, costing 80 billion, Hes is giving a FICA tax holiday costing another huge amount of deficit spending, And on top of that another year of unemployment checks, huge deficit.
I can tell you when I was unemployed in 1990 and I had 6 months of benefits I actually said to my wife, "I am going to get every penny before I look too hard for a job." Yes, if one had fallen in my lap I would have taken it but otherwise it was a six month paid vacation....and we did go on vacation during that period. All in all, I am not sure that the Republicans didn't get snookered in spite of what the left is screaming about. An 800 billion stimulus package that was called a "compromise."
His comments today that he would not let the Republicans hold the middle class hostage to give their rich friends a tax cut was stated in such away you would think he was the most generous person in the world, He actually implied that the Republicans didn't want the middle class to have a tax break. That was a lie and he knew it....He Lies.....
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
Term Limits, to do or not to do, that is the question.
I have been discussing Term Limits on an email list I belong to and there are two sides to this question....as there always are..... But I think it all boils down to what our opinion of "mankind" in general is.
The Progressive (modern day Liberal) believes that man is capable of perfection and only needs education to realize his perfection. But the Conservative realizes that man is far from perfect and has many incurable faults that education wont fix.
So the Progressive/Liberal thinks that Term Limits will only hold back a "perfect politician" from achieving his best. But the Conservative knows that all men are imperfect so we must put bounds on their activities. The founders of our nation, the guys that wrote our Constitution, were Conservatives so they wrote it with "meets and bounds" as George Washington, a surveyor, might have said, or as we often hear "checks and balances".
The Constitution is constantly putting limits on man because he is imperfect. But they didn't plan on career politicians. They thought that politicians wouldn't be paid enough to make it a career!!
So we need Term Limits because man is not perfect nor can he be made to be perfect.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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The Progressive (modern day Liberal) believes that man is capable of perfection and only needs education to realize his perfection. But the Conservative realizes that man is far from perfect and has many incurable faults that education wont fix.
So the Progressive/Liberal thinks that Term Limits will only hold back a "perfect politician" from achieving his best. But the Conservative knows that all men are imperfect so we must put bounds on their activities. The founders of our nation, the guys that wrote our Constitution, were Conservatives so they wrote it with "meets and bounds" as George Washington, a surveyor, might have said, or as we often hear "checks and balances".
The Constitution is constantly putting limits on man because he is imperfect. But they didn't plan on career politicians. They thought that politicians wouldn't be paid enough to make it a career!!
So we need Term Limits because man is not perfect nor can he be made to be perfect.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Saturday, December 4, 2010
Charlie And The Roman Games
I keep hearing that Charlie didn't do anything wrong....at least compared to a lot of others. OK so why don't all of them get censured? We need to root out all the "Evil Doers".
Charlie thinks he was treated harshly. If I had done what he has done I would be facing criminal charges and my bank accounts would have been seized by the IRS. I wonder where it goes from here? Will the IRS follow up on the information they are having handed to them in a silver platter? Don't hold your breath till he is prosecuted. He will just offer to pay up, no penalties, no interest, and they will accept it. After all, according to him "I don't deal in average American citizens." The treatment of the "average American citizen" doesn't concern him, he is only concerned about how the privileged class is treated.
I think we should send Charlie into the arena and let him fight a lion or two, like they did with undesirables in Roman times. Of course having to stand there and listen to and look at Nancy during the censure may be a fate worse than facing a lion.......
Speaking of the Roman "games", I was struck by the similarity of our times to Roman times recently when I was sitting in front of the TV at a friends house. She doesn't allow politics to be talked about in her house and all you see on the TV is movies and children's shows.
In Roman times, toward the end, the government was about to fail because of excessive spending, foreign wars, and citizen unrest. Not dissimilar to our times, right? In order to control the citizens they had the "games" in the coliseum. If you can keep the citizens entertained they wont be able to riot in the streets. Let them take out their aggression in the arena.
Today we have "Survivor", "Cage fighting", and all sorts of violent movies on TV. This is the modern equivalent of the Roman "games". And of course, the FCC will try to shut up all dissent on the air waves. This will allow the government to pursue foreign wars, excessive spending, and Charlie Rangel without interference from its citizens.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Charlie thinks he was treated harshly. If I had done what he has done I would be facing criminal charges and my bank accounts would have been seized by the IRS. I wonder where it goes from here? Will the IRS follow up on the information they are having handed to them in a silver platter? Don't hold your breath till he is prosecuted. He will just offer to pay up, no penalties, no interest, and they will accept it. After all, according to him "I don't deal in average American citizens." The treatment of the "average American citizen" doesn't concern him, he is only concerned about how the privileged class is treated.
I think we should send Charlie into the arena and let him fight a lion or two, like they did with undesirables in Roman times. Of course having to stand there and listen to and look at Nancy during the censure may be a fate worse than facing a lion.......
Speaking of the Roman "games", I was struck by the similarity of our times to Roman times recently when I was sitting in front of the TV at a friends house. She doesn't allow politics to be talked about in her house and all you see on the TV is movies and children's shows.
In Roman times, toward the end, the government was about to fail because of excessive spending, foreign wars, and citizen unrest. Not dissimilar to our times, right? In order to control the citizens they had the "games" in the coliseum. If you can keep the citizens entertained they wont be able to riot in the streets. Let them take out their aggression in the arena.
Today we have "Survivor", "Cage fighting", and all sorts of violent movies on TV. This is the modern equivalent of the Roman "games". And of course, the FCC will try to shut up all dissent on the air waves. This will allow the government to pursue foreign wars, excessive spending, and Charlie Rangel without interference from its citizens.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Friday, December 3, 2010
US Follows China And Iran In Controlling The Internet
This link will take you to a discussion of the coming fight over the FCCs latest attempt to take over the Internet.
Attack on Free Speech
The FCC has now set out to create a giant utility out of the Internet. For almost 20 years the Internet has been a "Free Space". Almost a lawless land in that the only regulation has been self control. It has worked and until it shows that it cant regulate itself it should remain that way.
Only China and Iran currently restrict the citizens use of the Internet. Do we really want to join that axis?
The Internet is like a huge library where every book ever written is on display. It is the perfect way to bring democracy to the entire world. If the government begins suppressing the thoughts of Americans then who is going to be "Teaching" the rest of the world about democracy? Do we really want, whoever that is, to be doing the speaking for us....until their government shuts them down as well?
Librarys in the US are free and the only restrictions that are put on their content is by the library itself. Can you imagine the uproar..maybe even revolution...that would occur if the President stated that in the future all Librarys would be "Content neutral"?
We must stop this before it gets started. The FCC has no jurisdiction when it comes to a world wide phenomenon that is "owned" by the people of the world, not by any three countries, China, the US, and Iran. These are the axis for the destruction of FREE SPEECH.
This is just one more indication of the horrible mistake that was made in November of 2008 when we elected a socialist dictator to run our country!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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Attack on Free Speech
The FCC has now set out to create a giant utility out of the Internet. For almost 20 years the Internet has been a "Free Space". Almost a lawless land in that the only regulation has been self control. It has worked and until it shows that it cant regulate itself it should remain that way.
Only China and Iran currently restrict the citizens use of the Internet. Do we really want to join that axis?
The Internet is like a huge library where every book ever written is on display. It is the perfect way to bring democracy to the entire world. If the government begins suppressing the thoughts of Americans then who is going to be "Teaching" the rest of the world about democracy? Do we really want, whoever that is, to be doing the speaking for us....until their government shuts them down as well?
Librarys in the US are free and the only restrictions that are put on their content is by the library itself. Can you imagine the uproar..maybe even revolution...that would occur if the President stated that in the future all Librarys would be "Content neutral"?
We must stop this before it gets started. The FCC has no jurisdiction when it comes to a world wide phenomenon that is "owned" by the people of the world, not by any three countries, China, the US, and Iran. These are the axis for the destruction of FREE SPEECH.
This is just one more indication of the horrible mistake that was made in November of 2008 when we elected a socialist dictator to run our country!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
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