Apparently that is what the,recently described, "NC Gun Control Democrat RC Soles" thinks.
RC Stoles, anti gun advocate shoots intruder in his home
Now don't get me wrong, from what I read in this article, he had every right to shoot the man. In Texas the intruder could be dead and no charges would have been filed, if the facts are as the Senator describes them.
BUT, this is the type of thinking that goes into a lot of the anti gun rhetoric. "Its OK for me to have and USE a gun because I am smart enough to use it properly. But you are too stupid to be trusted with a gun."
Of course this is the mantra of the Liberal/Progressive movement. The general public is too stupid to control their own lives so they have to take over to protect us from ourselves. Of course if an intruder is in my bedroom and I have a choice of grabbing the 9mm next to my bed, or waiting till the nearest Liberal/Progressive shows up with his gun, I know which way I will go. That is especially a problem if you are in South Texas where the nearest Liberal could be many miles away. They are few and far between down here as was shown in the 2010 elections.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
She Lies, Neighbors Steal, Inspector Doesnt, Czars Dethroned
Today there is so much that needs to be reported that I am doing it in a four part Blog.
Part One:
She Lies. Yes, Nancy Pelosi is a bold faced liar. It isn't a misstatement, it isn't an error, it is an outright LIE and she knows it. She stood at the microphone and said that "125 million Americans will loose their health care" if ObamaCare was repealed. She knows this is a lie just as she knew that 30 million would NOT gain health care if the legislation passed. If there were ONLY 30 million, and we know that was an exaggeration, that did gain health care with ObamaCare, then how can 125 million loose it when it is repealed. UNLESS there was another lie, that ObamaCare was not meant to move people off of private insurance and onto ObamaCare. So there is no direction she can dodge without being caught in an enormous LIE.
Part two:
I keep hearing that the SEIU are my neighbors and that they are my friends. If they are then we must be talking about the neighbor that borrowed my lawnmower and never returned it. Or the neighbor that stole my trash can. Or the neighbor that shot my cat. I can guarantee those neighbors were NOT my friends. Now they, SEIU, are the neighbors that will steal my future because they expect me to support their lavish lifestyles while my children go without shoes.
Part three:
Here is one you will not believe. I have looked at this video several times and do not understand how this woman can say what she is saying without breaking out laughing. I wish I could read lips to see what that advisor is whispering to her. It surely isn't good. How can the Inspector General NOT KNOW what is going on if they are doing their job....unless their job has been redefined to be the obstruction of justice? Scroll down to the video, you wont believe it!!!
She hasn't a clue and she is supposed to be protecting us!
I would ask you to forward the URL of this video to everyone you know. It was sent to me by a friend that happens to be a lawyer. I know, I know, lawyers don't make good friends, but in this case I make an exception because she is definitely one of us. We need SOME lawyers on our side or the Darth Vaders will wipe us out.
Part four:
Today the house voted to dethrone 9 of the Czars. 14 Democrats joined with the Republicans to pass this bill. They plan more of the same....if they can find them. The secrecy of this "Transparent" White House has hidden a lot of the Czars.
House votes to dethrone 9 Czars
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Part One:
She Lies. Yes, Nancy Pelosi is a bold faced liar. It isn't a misstatement, it isn't an error, it is an outright LIE and she knows it. She stood at the microphone and said that "125 million Americans will loose their health care" if ObamaCare was repealed. She knows this is a lie just as she knew that 30 million would NOT gain health care if the legislation passed. If there were ONLY 30 million, and we know that was an exaggeration, that did gain health care with ObamaCare, then how can 125 million loose it when it is repealed. UNLESS there was another lie, that ObamaCare was not meant to move people off of private insurance and onto ObamaCare. So there is no direction she can dodge without being caught in an enormous LIE.
Part two:
I keep hearing that the SEIU are my neighbors and that they are my friends. If they are then we must be talking about the neighbor that borrowed my lawnmower and never returned it. Or the neighbor that stole my trash can. Or the neighbor that shot my cat. I can guarantee those neighbors were NOT my friends. Now they, SEIU, are the neighbors that will steal my future because they expect me to support their lavish lifestyles while my children go without shoes.
Part three:
Here is one you will not believe. I have looked at this video several times and do not understand how this woman can say what she is saying without breaking out laughing. I wish I could read lips to see what that advisor is whispering to her. It surely isn't good. How can the Inspector General NOT KNOW what is going on if they are doing their job....unless their job has been redefined to be the obstruction of justice? Scroll down to the video, you wont believe it!!!
She hasn't a clue and she is supposed to be protecting us!
I would ask you to forward the URL of this video to everyone you know. It was sent to me by a friend that happens to be a lawyer. I know, I know, lawyers don't make good friends, but in this case I make an exception because she is definitely one of us. We need SOME lawyers on our side or the Darth Vaders will wipe us out.
Part four:
Today the house voted to dethrone 9 of the Czars. 14 Democrats joined with the Republicans to pass this bill. They plan more of the same....if they can find them. The secrecy of this "Transparent" White House has hidden a lot of the Czars.
House votes to dethrone 9 Czars
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Am I Running? Whats My Platform?
I was recently asked if I would be running for office. My answer was a guarded, "Maybe". What does a politician mean when he/she says "Maybe I will run"? Now I know, they mean just that. Deciding to run for office is a very serious undertaking...if you are doing it right. First you ask, yourself why would you run. To answer that, you need a platform. Normally a platform is constructed AFTER a person decides to run. Those people don't know why they are running! You need a platform first to know if your reasons are valid.
Usually a platform is a "Gift List" of things that a politician offers to "the people" to get their votes. Our government is supposed to be "Of the People, By the People, and For the People", as Lincoln put it at Gettysburg, PA. From now on I will refer to the voters/constituents as "the people", not the Voters, not the constituents, but as the people, because they are involved at every level, not just at the ballot box. The people includes us all, from the single voter up to and including the holder of the highest elective office in the United States. We are all, the people, and we all craft our government.
Giving a "Gift List" of items to a group to get their votes is NOT what the founding fathers had in mind when they formed our nation. Secondly, a "Gift List" is very parochial. It is specific to a particular area or group and often is left behind when the politician moves to his new office after the successful election.
A platform is defined in the dictionary as "A raised flooring or stage". If I am to build a platform from which to talk to the people, it must be both stable and strong and it cannot be changed for every office I might run for. My platform needs to recognize that I DO NOT intend to bring home a bag full of goodies to the people that elect me. Our current fiscal situation was brought on by politicians bringing home a bag full of goodies in order to be re elected.
My platform must be stable. Have you ever tried to cut off some from a leg on a four legged table to make it sit right on the floor? It is a very difficult job to do right and you usually end up cutting off more than one leg before it sits, stable, on the floor. Then if you move it to another place, it no longer sits stable. My platform must be stable and movable, and must not sacrifice any of its legs to do so. So my platform will have three legs. A three legged table always sits stable.
The first leg of my platform will be HONESTY. I will always tell you the truth. If you ask me a question you will get an honest answer. No platform can be based on anything but honesty and be expected to produce good. Though many have tried to do otherwise, they have failed.
The second leg of my platform will be the CONSTITUTION of the United States. I will uphold the Constitution in any and every act and vote. Without the Constitution we have no government worth having. The oath of office says that the person will uphold the Constitution, but many if not most dont even know what it is let alone uphold it.
The third leg of my platform will be FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. We cannot continue spending money that is not ours to spend. We may have to make some hard decisions about things we cannot afford but if those decisions are not made then we will kill the Eagle that laid the Golden Egg. You cannot kill the Eagle and expect it to lay MORE golden eggs. The solution to having our cake and eating it too may lie in having a smaller piece of the cake.
Now that we have set the three, stable, legs in place, we need strong planks on top for me to stand on. I do not want weak planks. I do not want to fall through. "I will try...", is a weak plank. "We must attempt......", is a weak plank. I want strong planks that I can rely on and that will support me for all time. Those ten planks will be the Bill Of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. These are statements of absolute truth and they will support me for all time.
Now we need a hammer and nails, the people and their ideas are the hammer and nails, to assemble the platform.
If my platform is assembled with the above materials, my platform will be stable, strong, and durable. I will be able to move it from office to office. It will tell you how I will vote on every bill that might come before me. It tells you of my character. You will be able to take any question you might have about how I will vote and hold it up against my platform to find the answer. You might not always like the answer, but you will know it. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" This bible quotation is over the main entrance to the University of Texas in Austin of which I am an Alumni and from which I am retired. I saw it every work day for 22 years and every school day for 7 years.
MY goal is our ultimate freedom. I want to establish a government framework that will assure your freedom, your neighbors freedom, my freedom, without restricting anyone beyond that which is necessary to protect his neighbors freedom. You should be able to swing your arms as far as you want unless it impacts your neighbors nose. At that point you will have to give a little just to insure your neighbors freedom.
You may not agree with every vote I make. But you will know, from my platform, just what it will be. You will know that it will be for the Freedom of all the people. I only met one person with whom I always agreed, so I married her.....THEN I discovered that she didnt always agree with me.....but its lasted 54 years.
This is my platform. My platform is FREEDOM. As you can see, it is NOT a gift list. In fact, it calls for sacrifice not receiving of gifts. The future of our nation will be a future of sacrifice not unlike what the founding fathers had to give, because we have strayed so far from what they intended. Hopefully we can restore their dream and go back to a future of plenty that we can all enjoy before too long. But for now, we must sacrifice till be get back on the road to Freedom again.
Now, will I run for office? I still don't know, but at least I know, now, what I will be doing it for, if I choose to do it. The thing that I have learned from this platform construction project, is that if I run, it will be for the right reasons.
I would suggest that a great majority of all Congressmen and Senators are doing it for the wrong reasons, for personal gain. I wont be doing it for personal gain. I really don't want to run for office. I don't like work and I don't like people criticizing me. If I decide to run, I will have to change. I know I can, but its comfortable being lazy with no one yelling at you. I will not be running for personal comfort or gain, I already have that and will loose it if I run.
I will guarantee you that I will not stay past two terms. I will leave after ONE term if I can find a replacement that will carry on my work. I don't want to be there long enough to learn how to steal. Too many of our legislators have learned how to steal and are addicted to the practice. I will not stay long enough to become tainted.
I will let you all know if I decide to run, but you already have my platform, its FREEDOM.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Usually a platform is a "Gift List" of things that a politician offers to "the people" to get their votes. Our government is supposed to be "Of the People, By the People, and For the People", as Lincoln put it at Gettysburg, PA. From now on I will refer to the voters/constituents as "the people", not the Voters, not the constituents, but as the people, because they are involved at every level, not just at the ballot box. The people includes us all, from the single voter up to and including the holder of the highest elective office in the United States. We are all, the people, and we all craft our government.
Giving a "Gift List" of items to a group to get their votes is NOT what the founding fathers had in mind when they formed our nation. Secondly, a "Gift List" is very parochial. It is specific to a particular area or group and often is left behind when the politician moves to his new office after the successful election.
A platform is defined in the dictionary as "A raised flooring or stage". If I am to build a platform from which to talk to the people, it must be both stable and strong and it cannot be changed for every office I might run for. My platform needs to recognize that I DO NOT intend to bring home a bag full of goodies to the people that elect me. Our current fiscal situation was brought on by politicians bringing home a bag full of goodies in order to be re elected.
My platform must be stable. Have you ever tried to cut off some from a leg on a four legged table to make it sit right on the floor? It is a very difficult job to do right and you usually end up cutting off more than one leg before it sits, stable, on the floor. Then if you move it to another place, it no longer sits stable. My platform must be stable and movable, and must not sacrifice any of its legs to do so. So my platform will have three legs. A three legged table always sits stable.
The first leg of my platform will be HONESTY. I will always tell you the truth. If you ask me a question you will get an honest answer. No platform can be based on anything but honesty and be expected to produce good. Though many have tried to do otherwise, they have failed.
The second leg of my platform will be the CONSTITUTION of the United States. I will uphold the Constitution in any and every act and vote. Without the Constitution we have no government worth having. The oath of office says that the person will uphold the Constitution, but many if not most dont even know what it is let alone uphold it.
The third leg of my platform will be FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. We cannot continue spending money that is not ours to spend. We may have to make some hard decisions about things we cannot afford but if those decisions are not made then we will kill the Eagle that laid the Golden Egg. You cannot kill the Eagle and expect it to lay MORE golden eggs. The solution to having our cake and eating it too may lie in having a smaller piece of the cake.
Now that we have set the three, stable, legs in place, we need strong planks on top for me to stand on. I do not want weak planks. I do not want to fall through. "I will try...", is a weak plank. "We must attempt......", is a weak plank. I want strong planks that I can rely on and that will support me for all time. Those ten planks will be the Bill Of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. These are statements of absolute truth and they will support me for all time.
Now we need a hammer and nails, the people and their ideas are the hammer and nails, to assemble the platform.
If my platform is assembled with the above materials, my platform will be stable, strong, and durable. I will be able to move it from office to office. It will tell you how I will vote on every bill that might come before me. It tells you of my character. You will be able to take any question you might have about how I will vote and hold it up against my platform to find the answer. You might not always like the answer, but you will know it. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" This bible quotation is over the main entrance to the University of Texas in Austin of which I am an Alumni and from which I am retired. I saw it every work day for 22 years and every school day for 7 years.
MY goal is our ultimate freedom. I want to establish a government framework that will assure your freedom, your neighbors freedom, my freedom, without restricting anyone beyond that which is necessary to protect his neighbors freedom. You should be able to swing your arms as far as you want unless it impacts your neighbors nose. At that point you will have to give a little just to insure your neighbors freedom.
You may not agree with every vote I make. But you will know, from my platform, just what it will be. You will know that it will be for the Freedom of all the people. I only met one person with whom I always agreed, so I married her.....THEN I discovered that she didnt always agree with me.....but its lasted 54 years.
This is my platform. My platform is FREEDOM. As you can see, it is NOT a gift list. In fact, it calls for sacrifice not receiving of gifts. The future of our nation will be a future of sacrifice not unlike what the founding fathers had to give, because we have strayed so far from what they intended. Hopefully we can restore their dream and go back to a future of plenty that we can all enjoy before too long. But for now, we must sacrifice till be get back on the road to Freedom again.
Now, will I run for office? I still don't know, but at least I know, now, what I will be doing it for, if I choose to do it. The thing that I have learned from this platform construction project, is that if I run, it will be for the right reasons.
I would suggest that a great majority of all Congressmen and Senators are doing it for the wrong reasons, for personal gain. I wont be doing it for personal gain. I really don't want to run for office. I don't like work and I don't like people criticizing me. If I decide to run, I will have to change. I know I can, but its comfortable being lazy with no one yelling at you. I will not be running for personal comfort or gain, I already have that and will loose it if I run.
I will guarantee you that I will not stay past two terms. I will leave after ONE term if I can find a replacement that will carry on my work. I don't want to be there long enough to learn how to steal. Too many of our legislators have learned how to steal and are addicted to the practice. I will not stay long enough to become tainted.
I will let you all know if I decide to run, but you already have my platform, its FREEDOM.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
If You Were Not Scared Before, You Should Be Now!!
This is a scary report. Just two days ago this interview, from about a month ago, was aired by a TV station in San Diego.
WMD Found in San Diego California
This, by ANY observers judgment, is a revelation of massive proportions. First because it reveals that a WMD was found in San Diego CA, but perhaps more importantly because it reveals a cover up of the incident. The Department of Homeland Security is trying to hide this from us. I wonder what else they are trying to hide...and why....?
Are they hiding this because it would hurt Mr Obama politically? How many other incidents have there been, at NY Harbor, Houston, New Orleans, Corpus Christi, etc.? Are they sacrificing our safety in order to hide the impotence of the governments attempt to protect us and the bumbling incompetence of this administration?
If the above link doesn't convince you, take a look at another link. This is not a manufactured event. It actually happened about a month ago but was not aired until Feb 13th and these two links are proof.
Its time that Janet Napalitano goes, It is time that Barack Husein Obama goes, it is time the entire Democrat administration goes. Our lives are in danger and they play politics with facts and hide the dangers from us. This is only one incident found. It may well be the tip of a massive "iceberg". Do you live at one of our nations large ports? I do, and I am scared now.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
WMD Found in San Diego California
This, by ANY observers judgment, is a revelation of massive proportions. First because it reveals that a WMD was found in San Diego CA, but perhaps more importantly because it reveals a cover up of the incident. The Department of Homeland Security is trying to hide this from us. I wonder what else they are trying to hide...and why....?
Are they hiding this because it would hurt Mr Obama politically? How many other incidents have there been, at NY Harbor, Houston, New Orleans, Corpus Christi, etc.? Are they sacrificing our safety in order to hide the impotence of the governments attempt to protect us and the bumbling incompetence of this administration?
If the above link doesn't convince you, take a look at another link. This is not a manufactured event. It actually happened about a month ago but was not aired until Feb 13th and these two links are proof.
Its time that Janet Napalitano goes, It is time that Barack Husein Obama goes, it is time the entire Democrat administration goes. Our lives are in danger and they play politics with facts and hide the dangers from us. This is only one incident found. It may well be the tip of a massive "iceberg". Do you live at one of our nations large ports? I do, and I am scared now.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Legacy Of The Internet
In 1988 I was in France working with NATO on fighter aircraft tactics. The best F-16 pilots from all over Europe were there...except the Soviet Union. Every evening, after work, we would all go out to some nearby, tiny, French town and party, we were all comrades not people from different nations. The only group that didn't join in with us in the partying were the guys from Germany. The next year we did the same drill and this time, in 1989, the Germans joined the partying and I toasted one evening (we did a lot of that) that maybe next year the Soviets would join us. There was an electric feeling in Europe at that time and I could feel something happening but didn't know what. President Ronald Reagan knew what it was, he had predicted it two years earlier, at the Berlin Wall, when he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
A short few months later in November 1989 the Berlin wall began to crumble. Tears come to my eyes right now as I recall the feelings that I had when the wall came down. This was a few years before the Internet and this was the culmination of several other changes that were sweeping through the Eastern Bloc of the Soviet Union. This happed slowly but steadily, but it changed Eastern and Central Europe forever and for the better.
In the early 90s I first got onto the Internet, before it had pictures and color, before there was a "Web", just white text on a black screen. I predicted at the time that this would change the world politically because no longer could a despot hide behind his borders. The word would spread by the Internet across "Berlin Walls", across all borders, into prisons, everywhere, at the speed of light.
In the past few weeks, Tunisia and Egypt have overthrown their leaders and are moving toward Freedom. This time as the wave of freedom is spreading through the Arab world, it is spreading like a wild fire. This is much faster than the freeing of the Eastern Bloc. The big difference is the Internet.
As I predicted almost 20 years ago the world is changing and it will never be the same again. There will be more changes as more dictatorships fall. Most will find freedom. Some will fall into a worse situation than they were running from. Some pundits, now have doubts about the future of Arabian world, but in the end, the Internet will have a legacy of Freedom as long as there is someone, somewhere, that can keep it open for communications as several freedom fighters did during the Egyptian uprising. And as long as we can keep supposed "democratic" leaders from legislating an "Internet Kill Switch" as Mr Obama is currently trying to do, we will be free all over the world.
Everyone can be a freedom fighter this time. Just contact every legislator that you know and make sure that they vote against the "Internet Kill Switch" for Mr Obama. Make sure they vote for Freedom for the entire world.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
A short few months later in November 1989 the Berlin wall began to crumble. Tears come to my eyes right now as I recall the feelings that I had when the wall came down. This was a few years before the Internet and this was the culmination of several other changes that were sweeping through the Eastern Bloc of the Soviet Union. This happed slowly but steadily, but it changed Eastern and Central Europe forever and for the better.
In the early 90s I first got onto the Internet, before it had pictures and color, before there was a "Web", just white text on a black screen. I predicted at the time that this would change the world politically because no longer could a despot hide behind his borders. The word would spread by the Internet across "Berlin Walls", across all borders, into prisons, everywhere, at the speed of light.
In the past few weeks, Tunisia and Egypt have overthrown their leaders and are moving toward Freedom. This time as the wave of freedom is spreading through the Arab world, it is spreading like a wild fire. This is much faster than the freeing of the Eastern Bloc. The big difference is the Internet.
As I predicted almost 20 years ago the world is changing and it will never be the same again. There will be more changes as more dictatorships fall. Most will find freedom. Some will fall into a worse situation than they were running from. Some pundits, now have doubts about the future of Arabian world, but in the end, the Internet will have a legacy of Freedom as long as there is someone, somewhere, that can keep it open for communications as several freedom fighters did during the Egyptian uprising. And as long as we can keep supposed "democratic" leaders from legislating an "Internet Kill Switch" as Mr Obama is currently trying to do, we will be free all over the world.
Everyone can be a freedom fighter this time. Just contact every legislator that you know and make sure that they vote against the "Internet Kill Switch" for Mr Obama. Make sure they vote for Freedom for the entire world.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Saturday, February 12, 2011
$9.08 A Month To Get Rid Of Obama! Cheap!
This will be a short blog. I am still in the hospital and need to be resting. But this could not go unnoticed and unremarked upon.
No new taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year. I have heard that over and over, directly from the mouth of the President. It was his campaign promise and even after elected he has continued to say it, but occasionally lowered the bar to $200,000.
Well, I make much less than $100,000 a year. Today I got a letter from my Texas State Teachers retirement account telling me that because of the changes in the Federal tax tables my withholding will go up from $0.00 to $9.08 a month. Technically that is an infinite increase in my taxes. This of course assumes that all of this will be kept by the government. But nothing else has changed so I assume that the reason for the increased withholding is because they expect to keep it.
OR, is it that the government just wants to borrow my money at NO INTEREST for a year. I didn't sign a contract agreeing to loan them my money. And I surely would not have done it at no interest. If they can do this without my permission, what is to keep them from taking a 100% withholding and then giving it all back to me at the end of the year? Delaying my pay by one year and stealing my interest as well.
But I believe that this is a good thing because it will make a lot of people mad as hell and may well be the final nail in the administrations coffin in 2012.
If it will only cost me $9.08 a month to get rid of Obama, thats a bargain!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
No new taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year. I have heard that over and over, directly from the mouth of the President. It was his campaign promise and even after elected he has continued to say it, but occasionally lowered the bar to $200,000.
Well, I make much less than $100,000 a year. Today I got a letter from my Texas State Teachers retirement account telling me that because of the changes in the Federal tax tables my withholding will go up from $0.00 to $9.08 a month. Technically that is an infinite increase in my taxes. This of course assumes that all of this will be kept by the government. But nothing else has changed so I assume that the reason for the increased withholding is because they expect to keep it.
OR, is it that the government just wants to borrow my money at NO INTEREST for a year. I didn't sign a contract agreeing to loan them my money. And I surely would not have done it at no interest. If they can do this without my permission, what is to keep them from taking a 100% withholding and then giving it all back to me at the end of the year? Delaying my pay by one year and stealing my interest as well.
But I believe that this is a good thing because it will make a lot of people mad as hell and may well be the final nail in the administrations coffin in 2012.
If it will only cost me $9.08 a month to get rid of Obama, thats a bargain!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Friday, February 11, 2011
Medical Holding Patterns in Corpus Christi
I am still in the hospital. It has opened my eyes to a problem here in the Corpus Christi area. While what I have just experienced is local to this area, you might want to check your area for a similar situation. What I am about to describe could be a critical crack in our “Homeland Security” protection. Hopefully it will not be a situation that will be found in your area.
I started this trek on Tuesday morning after I got up at 6AM to go to the bathroom. I was presented with evidence of a medical problem, massive bleeding. It was enough that I went into shock for several minutes. We called our doctor and got his on call physician who advised calling 911 to get an ambulance for transportation to the emergency room. The fact two of them...arrived quickly and by 7AM I was in the Emergency room, lying on a gurney, getting signed in. They then checked my blood pressure, blood count, and X rayed me to see if I had a perforated intestine. I didnt and all my blood work was fine so I was shuttled into a side room to await the Dr. Unfortunately, unknown to me, my doctor didnt have privileges at this hospital so I was going to be moved to a hospital in Corpus Christi. I was informed that there was a waiting list to get a room in Corpus Christi and I was number 13 on that list. That included all three of the major hospitals. I wasnt worried, after all, I was an emergency with internal bleeding and surely 13 rooms would clear out quickly with three hospitals to choose from.
I was sadly mistaken. At 6PM I was still on the gurney in the emergency room and was STILL number 13 on the list to get a room in Corpus Christi and was told it could take two to three days to clear out the backlog. At 7pm the shift changed and the nurse coming on duty in the emergency room had seen me before he left that morning and immediately went to action to get something done! This is when I found that the only way I could leave the emergency room was to be transferred to a hospital room. I could NOT just walk out....not permitted. And then I found that they had rooms right here in this hospital! My wife, a retired nurse, and her friend, a retired Director of an Emergency Room, both went into “Lets get something done” mode. I cant imagine what would have happened to someone without two experienced nurses to handle the situation for them. I guess they would have laid there on the gurney for three days. Oh, did I mention that there are NO MEALS in the emergency room. Three days without food or water!!!
At this point I selected an on call doctor/surgeon from this hospital and was admitted. From this point on things have gone well.
But the point of this is that we have several refineries around here. What if there had been an explosion in one of them and there were 30 or more severe burn victims and there was a 12 bed waiting list?
I asked about the reasons for the shortage of beds and got four stories. I think all of them are, just that, stories.
#1 There were just not enough beds.
#2 There were not enough nurses to staff the rooms that they had available
#3 The rooms were taken up by indigents that had come in to get out of the cold.
#4 The rooms were filled by all the older Winter Texans that had come down for the winter.
As a receiver of services and not one of the people responsible for planning in the cities emergency preparedness, I can only respond to the information I am given. I cannot guess the truth of it or deduce the true reasons.
BUT, there is a problem. As I said above, whatever the problem is it is a critical problem.
If #1 is the true problem then someone needs to get to work getting government grants to build more hospital rooms because Obamacare will NOT promote the construction of new hospitals!!
If #2 is the problem then its going to get much worse as people are abandoning a profession that is declining because of the limited funds that hospitals will have to hire qualified nurses.
If #3 is the problem then there needs to be more places where the homeless can get care in dangerous weather without filling up hospital beds.
If #4 is the problem, there needs to be a fence at the Red River. Right now, if that is the problem, I am really concerned about Border Security, the Texas/ Oklahoma border.
But, no matter what the problem, someone in Corpus Christi who is responsible for emergency planning is NOT doing their job when a patient with internal bleeding is left lying in a gurney in the emergency room with no hope of a room for three days. Its not like there has been no experience. For years there have been homeless people on the streets. For years there have been Winter Texans coming to the area in the winter. January and February may be critical months, but they have been critical all along. Where is the planning? Why not even just a little triage to throw out the fakers who come in for the warmth and the food so a critical patient can get care?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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I started this trek on Tuesday morning after I got up at 6AM to go to the bathroom. I was presented with evidence of a medical problem, massive bleeding. It was enough that I went into shock for several minutes. We called our doctor and got his on call physician who advised calling 911 to get an ambulance for transportation to the emergency room. The fact two of them...arrived quickly and by 7AM I was in the Emergency room, lying on a gurney, getting signed in. They then checked my blood pressure, blood count, and X rayed me to see if I had a perforated intestine. I didnt and all my blood work was fine so I was shuttled into a side room to await the Dr. Unfortunately, unknown to me, my doctor didnt have privileges at this hospital so I was going to be moved to a hospital in Corpus Christi. I was informed that there was a waiting list to get a room in Corpus Christi and I was number 13 on that list. That included all three of the major hospitals. I wasnt worried, after all, I was an emergency with internal bleeding and surely 13 rooms would clear out quickly with three hospitals to choose from.
I was sadly mistaken. At 6PM I was still on the gurney in the emergency room and was STILL number 13 on the list to get a room in Corpus Christi and was told it could take two to three days to clear out the backlog. At 7pm the shift changed and the nurse coming on duty in the emergency room had seen me before he left that morning and immediately went to action to get something done! This is when I found that the only way I could leave the emergency room was to be transferred to a hospital room. I could NOT just walk out....not permitted. And then I found that they had rooms right here in this hospital! My wife, a retired nurse, and her friend, a retired Director of an Emergency Room, both went into “Lets get something done” mode. I cant imagine what would have happened to someone without two experienced nurses to handle the situation for them. I guess they would have laid there on the gurney for three days. Oh, did I mention that there are NO MEALS in the emergency room. Three days without food or water!!!
At this point I selected an on call doctor/surgeon from this hospital and was admitted. From this point on things have gone well.
But the point of this is that we have several refineries around here. What if there had been an explosion in one of them and there were 30 or more severe burn victims and there was a 12 bed waiting list?
I asked about the reasons for the shortage of beds and got four stories. I think all of them are, just that, stories.
#1 There were just not enough beds.
#2 There were not enough nurses to staff the rooms that they had available
#3 The rooms were taken up by indigents that had come in to get out of the cold.
#4 The rooms were filled by all the older Winter Texans that had come down for the winter.
As a receiver of services and not one of the people responsible for planning in the cities emergency preparedness, I can only respond to the information I am given. I cannot guess the truth of it or deduce the true reasons.
BUT, there is a problem. As I said above, whatever the problem is it is a critical problem.
If #1 is the true problem then someone needs to get to work getting government grants to build more hospital rooms because Obamacare will NOT promote the construction of new hospitals!!
If #2 is the problem then its going to get much worse as people are abandoning a profession that is declining because of the limited funds that hospitals will have to hire qualified nurses.
If #3 is the problem then there needs to be more places where the homeless can get care in dangerous weather without filling up hospital beds.
If #4 is the problem, there needs to be a fence at the Red River. Right now, if that is the problem, I am really concerned about Border Security, the Texas/ Oklahoma border.
But, no matter what the problem, someone in Corpus Christi who is responsible for emergency planning is NOT doing their job when a patient with internal bleeding is left lying in a gurney in the emergency room with no hope of a room for three days. Its not like there has been no experience. For years there have been homeless people on the streets. For years there have been Winter Texans coming to the area in the winter. January and February may be critical months, but they have been critical all along. Where is the planning? Why not even just a little triage to throw out the fakers who come in for the warmth and the food so a critical patient can get care?
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
Huffington Post Edits Presidents Speech Transcript!!!!!
On February 7th I listened to the Presidents speech to the Chamber of Commerce. I noticed a very glaring comment that revealed Obamas philosophy of government. A philosophy that is diametrically opposed to the Constitution of the United States. I resolved at the time to write a blog on it even though the next day I was hospitalized with a critical condition.
I am still in the hospital, stabilised, but still being diagnosed. But I must write this blog because after the speech I went to the Huffington Post to get a transcript of the speech. I know that the Huffington Post is a left leaning blog, but after all, what can you do to an honest transcript? Well, you can modify it so it is NOT an honest transcript. The Huffington Post is apparently into altering history to protect their view.
On the 7th of February the Huffington Post posted a "transcript" of President Obamas speech to the Chamber of commerce. They conviently left out the one line that I had noticed when listening to the speech and was looking for to quote.
Had it not been that I was looking for that one line so I could quote it properly...something the Huffingtin Post apparently doesnt think is necessary...I would never have found their apparent deception. I found other "errors" as well but did not look closely after finding the one glaring omission. I will leave that to the detectives among you. And I, in the future, will be much more suspicious of anything the Huffington Post "quotes".
The URL of a video of the speech that you can examine yourself is at this link. At 19:01 to 19:07 minutes into the speech you will find the statement I found missing from the Huffington Posts "transcript" On this URL, below the video, you can find the true transcript of the video.
The URL of the 'full text', as Huffington Post describes their transcript, of the speech is at this link. Note that one very important line has been removed/deleted/forgotten/left out from the "full text".
The line that I was looking for was, "And we’ve turned a tangle of fuel economy regulations and pending lawsuits into a single standard that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, save consumers money at the pump and give car companies the certainty that they need — all negotiated by the various stakeholders without the need for congressional legislation."
The last phrase, that was omitted by Huffington Post, was " — all negotiated by the various stakeholders without the need for congressional legislation"
This line is very important as it shows Obamas desire to Rule by Regulation rather than to Rule by Law. This is the difference between a Dictatorship and a Democratic Republic.
A Dictator rules by Edict=regulation. The President of the United States rules by Law.
Our president is NOT ruling by law he is ruling by Edict.
But then we have known that for some time now. What, at least I didnt know, was that the Huffington Post would alter a transcript to suit its philosophy.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
I am still in the hospital, stabilised, but still being diagnosed. But I must write this blog because after the speech I went to the Huffington Post to get a transcript of the speech. I know that the Huffington Post is a left leaning blog, but after all, what can you do to an honest transcript? Well, you can modify it so it is NOT an honest transcript. The Huffington Post is apparently into altering history to protect their view.
On the 7th of February the Huffington Post posted a "transcript" of President Obamas speech to the Chamber of commerce. They conviently left out the one line that I had noticed when listening to the speech and was looking for to quote.
Had it not been that I was looking for that one line so I could quote it properly...something the Huffingtin Post apparently doesnt think is necessary...I would never have found their apparent deception. I found other "errors" as well but did not look closely after finding the one glaring omission. I will leave that to the detectives among you. And I, in the future, will be much more suspicious of anything the Huffington Post "quotes".
The URL of a video of the speech that you can examine yourself is at this link. At 19:01 to 19:07 minutes into the speech you will find the statement I found missing from the Huffington Posts "transcript" On this URL, below the video, you can find the true transcript of the video.
The URL of the 'full text', as Huffington Post describes their transcript, of the speech is at this link. Note that one very important line has been removed/deleted/forgotten/left out from the "full text".
The line that I was looking for was, "And we’ve turned a tangle of fuel economy regulations and pending lawsuits into a single standard that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, save consumers money at the pump and give car companies the certainty that they need — all negotiated by the various stakeholders without the need for congressional legislation."
The last phrase, that was omitted by Huffington Post, was " — all negotiated by the various stakeholders without the need for congressional legislation"
This line is very important as it shows Obamas desire to Rule by Regulation rather than to Rule by Law. This is the difference between a Dictatorship and a Democratic Republic.
A Dictator rules by Edict=regulation. The President of the United States rules by Law.
Our president is NOT ruling by law he is ruling by Edict.
But then we have known that for some time now. What, at least I didnt know, was that the Huffington Post would alter a transcript to suit its philosophy.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What Is Happening In Egypt? Freedom? Democracy?
Its been a week now since it all started. In the beginning there was a peaceful gathering in the square. Then two days later some government thugs launched into the crowds after the police were withdrawn. Luckily the army has remained aloof to the situation and are helping to keep it calm.
Then yesterday the crowds became calm and the opposing protesters stayed away from each other. This is a good sign. Prior to that it looked like it might degenerate into a civil war and there was no guessing how that might turn out. There would have been a 50/50 chance that it could go either way.
But the people in the streets don't want a more repressive government, they want a less repressive government and sanity is prevailing. The word is out that total anarchy is NOT the way to Freedom. Note, I said Freedom, not Democracy. The reason I said Freedom is that a democracy does not guarantee Freedom. Nor does a dictatorship guarantee repression. Those of us that are Christians, after all, believe in a coming benevolent Dictatorship of God. Our United States Republic...note, again I did not say not a perfect guarantee of Freedom, but its better than a pure Democracy.
But it looks like clearer heads are prevailing, at least for the time being. I hope it stays that way.
I was appalled at the comments from the media that they were surprised to find that Freedom of the Press was not being upheld. Just who do they think they are to go into a foreign country and expect the Freedoms that they enjoy in our Republic to be upheld? They are sounding like the Muslims that want their Sharia Law to be the law of the land here, in Michigan. The press will rail against this but they then go to a Muslim country and decry the loss of THEIR freedoms there. The press seems to have a double standard!
But then so does our present administration that refuses to abide by court decisions saying, "Its only a few judges" What would have happened to G W Bush if he had said of a court decision, "Its only a few judges" and then went on to be in contempt of court, as the Obama administration has done in regard to the offshore drilling ban. Bush would have been tarred and feathered.
So there is no reason to believe the media and their darling Obama would be any different. One set of rules for the Leaders and another for the serfs. One set of rules for the US and another for other foreign countries. Its their true face, two faced.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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Then yesterday the crowds became calm and the opposing protesters stayed away from each other. This is a good sign. Prior to that it looked like it might degenerate into a civil war and there was no guessing how that might turn out. There would have been a 50/50 chance that it could go either way.
But the people in the streets don't want a more repressive government, they want a less repressive government and sanity is prevailing. The word is out that total anarchy is NOT the way to Freedom. Note, I said Freedom, not Democracy. The reason I said Freedom is that a democracy does not guarantee Freedom. Nor does a dictatorship guarantee repression. Those of us that are Christians, after all, believe in a coming benevolent Dictatorship of God. Our United States Republic...note, again I did not say not a perfect guarantee of Freedom, but its better than a pure Democracy.
But it looks like clearer heads are prevailing, at least for the time being. I hope it stays that way.
I was appalled at the comments from the media that they were surprised to find that Freedom of the Press was not being upheld. Just who do they think they are to go into a foreign country and expect the Freedoms that they enjoy in our Republic to be upheld? They are sounding like the Muslims that want their Sharia Law to be the law of the land here, in Michigan. The press will rail against this but they then go to a Muslim country and decry the loss of THEIR freedoms there. The press seems to have a double standard!
But then so does our present administration that refuses to abide by court decisions saying, "Its only a few judges" What would have happened to G W Bush if he had said of a court decision, "Its only a few judges" and then went on to be in contempt of court, as the Obama administration has done in regard to the offshore drilling ban. Bush would have been tarred and feathered.
So there is no reason to believe the media and their darling Obama would be any different. One set of rules for the Leaders and another for the serfs. One set of rules for the US and another for other foreign countries. Its their true face, two faced.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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