A while back I noticed something interesting as I sat in my living room watching TV. I have three chiming clocks. One is a tall old Grandfather clock that chimes every quarter hour with the Westminster chimes. On the hour it counts the hour. The second is a smaller, Grandmother clock. It also strikes every quarter hour and counts the hour on the hour. The third is a mantle clock the strikes once on the half hour and then counts the hour on the hour.
These three clocks sit in my living room and in the entry way to the house. They are in a triangle that is about 10 feet on two sides and five feet on the third side.
What I noticed was that they didn't all strike the hour at the same time even though I originally set them to all chime in unison. Being a scientist, this puzzled me so I set about looking for answers.
After a lot of physics and mathematics I finally discovered the answer and it gave me control of the universe. I don't know what I will do with that control, but it should be worth something to someone.
How, did I do that , I am sure you are asking?
Well if you start with the fact that the universe is expanding it soon becomes clear that the time between any one of those clocks an the center of the universe is different from the time for another clock. That difference is determined by how far any clock is from the center of the universe. Since the universe all started at a singularity at the beginning of time (there was no such thing as time before the Big Bang) then the clock that is furthest from the center of the universe is the oldest clock and the one closest to the center is the youngest clock. Thus the clock furthest from the center of the universe will chime FIRST!!!
Now using mathematics and triangulation it is possible to determine in which direction the universe is expanding and at what rate it is expanding. The clock that chimes first is closet to the "edge" of the universe and with three clocks the exact direction that the universe is expanding can be determined. Tonight it is expanding toward the west at about 3 feet per second. This is very revealing and very useful when combined with the information that follows.
Those that are familiar with quantum physics know of the "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal", right? Well, what it basically says is that the minute you begin to measure something, you change the thing that you are measuring. Thus, to have absolute certainty of the position of something, you give up certainty of its motion and the reverse is also true. Therefore as soon as I begin counting the seconds between the arrival of the time front across the three clocks I change the direction and speed of that motion.
So this explains why some evenings we are expanding to the West at 3 feet per second and at other times I measure the expansion to the North at 2.3 feet per second, etc. It is being changed by my measurement!!!
Here comes the exciting part. I can measure the change that my measuring causes by looking at the results. Now, being able to see what effect my measurements have, I can use that knowledge to "shift" the expansion direction and speed as I please. Ok, Ok, it might be like rowing a round boat across a pond, sort of iffy, but I think I can learn to control it somewhat and I will then have complete control of the universe!
OK, so now what can I do with that control? Anyone have any ideas? Please respond quick because there are some guys coming in the front door that look like they are crazy. They have a big net and look like they are looking for big butterflies.
OOps, gotta go. These guys want me to help them.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Monkeys, Bananas and Cold Water
This was sent to me by a friend. I dont know where it came from originally or I would give credit. But it is so good that there is no point in my writing a blog today when someone else has already done such a good job. Look at the bottom for a link to GOOOH, a group that is working on solving this problem.
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put the cold water away.
Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment... with enthusiasm.
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana. Why, you ask? Because in their minds... that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and is why, from time to time, all of the monkeys need to be REPLACED.
The Political Action Committee GOOH or "Get Out Of Our House" is a group that plans on dethroning ALL the monkeys in 2012. Their plan includes finding the candidates from the general public (no politicians need apply), educating them on the legal hoops they have to jump through to get registered for the primary, financing the primary campaign, and continuing financing through the general campaign.
BTW, signing up on this site costs NOTHING unless you decide to run and then the cost is $100 and GOOOH covers the rest. Filling out the profile and taking the voting test costs NOTHING.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put the cold water away.
Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment... with enthusiasm.
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana. Why, you ask? Because in their minds... that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and is why, from time to time, all of the monkeys need to be REPLACED.
The Political Action Committee GOOH or "Get Out Of Our House" is a group that plans on dethroning ALL the monkeys in 2012. Their plan includes finding the candidates from the general public (no politicians need apply), educating them on the legal hoops they have to jump through to get registered for the primary, financing the primary campaign, and continuing financing through the general campaign.
BTW, signing up on this site costs NOTHING unless you decide to run and then the cost is $100 and GOOOH covers the rest. Filling out the profile and taking the voting test costs NOTHING.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
We will win all the seats in the US House if this works.
I said I would be in your face until this was over. So here I am.
Tomorrow, Floyds Restaurant in Ingleside Texas, Thursday, 24 March 2011, from 3pm to 6pm, there will be a presentation by Tim Cox on the PAC Get Out Of Our House. This PAC will tell us how to present a full slate of 435 candidates to the US House of Representatives. They will tell us how to finance it. They will teach us everything we, as non politicians, need to know to select candidates, register for the primary and how to run a successful campaign.
All of this tomorrow at Floyds Ranch House Restaurant in Ingleside, just 20 miles from down town Corpus Christi. Come early and eat lunch, stay late and eat dinner, I plan on coffee and pie during the presentation. Floyds makes some the of the best pies you ever ate.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Tomorrow, Floyds Restaurant in Ingleside Texas, Thursday, 24 March 2011, from 3pm to 6pm, there will be a presentation by Tim Cox on the PAC Get Out Of Our House. This PAC will tell us how to present a full slate of 435 candidates to the US House of Representatives. They will tell us how to finance it. They will teach us everything we, as non politicians, need to know to select candidates, register for the primary and how to run a successful campaign.
All of this tomorrow at Floyds Ranch House Restaurant in Ingleside, just 20 miles from down town Corpus Christi. Come early and eat lunch, stay late and eat dinner, I plan on coffee and pie during the presentation. Floyds makes some the of the best pies you ever ate.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Viva La France!!!
Remember when we started calling them Freedom Fries because the French would not support us in our attempts to do something about Sadam Husein?
Well, now we can start calling them French Fries again.
This morning the French Airforce attacked Kaddafis tanks and drove them out of Benghazi. I never thought I would see the day that the French would lead the Americans into battle to protect freedom.
But then, I never thought I would see the day that the United States would give up her leadership of the freedom loving people of the world.
But again, I never thought the United States would ever be led by someone that was infavor of the enslaving of the world to Socialisum either.
Viva La France!!!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
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Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Well, now we can start calling them French Fries again.
This morning the French Airforce attacked Kaddafis tanks and drove them out of Benghazi. I never thought I would see the day that the French would lead the Americans into battle to protect freedom.
But then, I never thought I would see the day that the United States would give up her leadership of the freedom loving people of the world.
But again, I never thought the United States would ever be led by someone that was infavor of the enslaving of the world to Socialisum either.
Viva La France!!!
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Border Security
Today I went to a presentation by Dr. Mike and Linda Vickers. They are the founders of
Texas Border Volunteers, Inc. Click on this link to see their website.
Its quite an organization. They work with Law Enforcement people to help with the Texas border security. They are getting a lot of help from the state of Texas, but not so much from the Feds. Its a shame the Feds don't care because the problem is quite bad. Janet Napalitano went on national TV stating the border was completely "under control" the same month that 1500 people were apprehended crossing the Texas border illegally and of the 1500, almost 500 were OTMs. The term OTM is used by the Border Patrol to refer to "Other Than Mexican" border crossers. One out of three were from other foreign countries....I will let you guess which ones. Over 65 other countries are involved and most recently it is the countries around India. The capture rate is less than 10% so that means 15,000 of them came across the Texas border that month and of those, 5000 were OTMs.
Dr Vickers told us that when the feds get Chinese OTMs they hold them for 60 days and then release them. Why, you wonder? Because China wont take them back! So why are we wasting the taxpayers money to hold them for 60 days? Why don't we just release them immediately? There is no reason to hold them if we are going to let them go in 60 days. We might as well save the money of holding them for 60 days. Let them pay for their own lodging for that 60 days.
They say that it used to be that these people came over for jobs, but that is no longer the case. They are coming over for the Social Services that they cannot get at home. There are no jobs for them now. If there were jobs then our 9% unemployed would be taking them.
Linda told us that she no longer leaves the house without being armed and with her two large German Shepherd dogs, after they recently found a decaying human body within sight of the house and she was followed from the barn to the house by a foreign that didn't speak either English or Spanish.
For those of you in the Northern states, dont believe it when they say the border is under control. It isn't!!!
For those of you that live down here and would like to hear a presentation by this couple, I am planing a TEA Party event at which they will speak. Probably in late April. Let me know if you are interested in coming.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Texas Border Volunteers, Inc. Click on this link to see their website.
Its quite an organization. They work with Law Enforcement people to help with the Texas border security. They are getting a lot of help from the state of Texas, but not so much from the Feds. Its a shame the Feds don't care because the problem is quite bad. Janet Napalitano went on national TV stating the border was completely "under control" the same month that 1500 people were apprehended crossing the Texas border illegally and of the 1500, almost 500 were OTMs. The term OTM is used by the Border Patrol to refer to "Other Than Mexican" border crossers. One out of three were from other foreign countries....I will let you guess which ones. Over 65 other countries are involved and most recently it is the countries around India. The capture rate is less than 10% so that means 15,000 of them came across the Texas border that month and of those, 5000 were OTMs.
Dr Vickers told us that when the feds get Chinese OTMs they hold them for 60 days and then release them. Why, you wonder? Because China wont take them back! So why are we wasting the taxpayers money to hold them for 60 days? Why don't we just release them immediately? There is no reason to hold them if we are going to let them go in 60 days. We might as well save the money of holding them for 60 days. Let them pay for their own lodging for that 60 days.
They say that it used to be that these people came over for jobs, but that is no longer the case. They are coming over for the Social Services that they cannot get at home. There are no jobs for them now. If there were jobs then our 9% unemployed would be taking them.
Linda told us that she no longer leaves the house without being armed and with her two large German Shepherd dogs, after they recently found a decaying human body within sight of the house and she was followed from the barn to the house by a foreign that didn't speak either English or Spanish.
For those of you in the Northern states, dont believe it when they say the border is under control. It isn't!!!
For those of you that live down here and would like to hear a presentation by this couple, I am planing a TEA Party event at which they will speak. Probably in late April. Let me know if you are interested in coming.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Have We Reached The Tipping Point?
I am very concerned that we have reached the "tipping point". I know that that is an over used phrase, but its very descriptive of where we are now, are approaching now, or are already over the top.
Much has been made of the fact that so many are on welfare or some sort of government assistance, such as the 99 week unemployment benefits and SS. Also we have to include those on Medicare, Medicaid, etc. When you run the numbers you will see that the count gives us the majority. Yes, I said US because I am on SS, Medicare and a state pension.
The difference is that some of us have figured out that if you kill the Eagle that laid the Golden Egg, it will lay no more Golden Eggs. For now, I think those that are not on the public dole and those of us that are but understand the unsustainability of the situation, are still in the majority. The Unions and those that haven't the brains to see the future and the Liberal/Progressives are still in the minority....I hope. Since all business whether big or small is essentially off the government payroll, I would think they would be with us. But many of them have figured out how to milk the government cow through Bail Outs and Subsidy. Even now, Obama wants to create another class of supporters through government subsidy of the alternative energy sector. Every time he adds another subsidy to the government dole he increases the numbers of those that support him and his attempt to drive us to armed rebellion.
Yes, I realize that using the words, "armed rebellion" in this post will put me on the RADAR screen for the government watchers that watch the Internet. But those words have to be used to wake up the people BEFORE it happens. We CANNOT let it happen. We don't have long and maybe its too late already. But once we get past that tipping point the only thing that will bring us back is something like what is happening in Libya and Egypt, an armed rebellion. That is not good. Armed rebellion, whether it brings the desired relief or not, still costs lives and property. We must avoid this scenario at ALL costs.
Why would Obama want to drive the population to armed rebellion? Because the Liberal/Progressive movement feels that if they can cause a rebellion they will have the upper hand after the smoke clears. They know that they cannot gain control under a Democratic Republic and hold it for long. They need to change the form of government that we currently exist under. That is, they need to "Fundamentally Change" our government. Now where have I heard that phrase before?
Why do I think that he is trying to drive the population to rebellion? Its simple. Everything he has done since entering office had been to drive prices up and incomes down. We are in a recession and he imposes increased taxes which will lower your income. Have you gotten the statement from SS or from your pension yet showing the increase in withholding? If taxes were not going up, why would they increase the withholding??? Obama stops all meaningful oil drilling, driving UP the price of oil, food, and ALL goods that are transported by oil...in other words, all products that you don't create in your own home or grow in your own backyard. Obama supports the unions demands for more money and sided with the unions against the stockholders of GM when he reversed the law that protected Bond holders and the holders of preferred stock from losses. These were protections that these people had paid for through higher price of the holdings and lower expectations on the gains. But Obama stole from them and gave it to the unions. This adds to the cost of the goods that you have to buy at the same time he is lowering your income from a real paycheck to a government subsidy in the form of an unemployment check. If you are drawing unemployment, is that check as much as you were getting when you were employed? All his actions to this point seem to say that he wants you to stay unemployed and on the government dole. Late next year, watch and you will see him propose another extension of the unemployment benefits while doing everything he can to keep unemployment at or above 9%. Didn't he promise the unemployment rate would not go above 8% if his stimulus package was passed two years ago? DIDN'T HE?
If the time comes where They outnumber us, then they will vote to drain the treasury...as they are doing now. Last election we put a stopper in the drain. But did we? Even the 87 freshman congressmen we sent to Washington are getting brainwashed by the insiders in Washington. They are voting for the "continuing resolution" which is a clinker in the stopper allowing it to continually leak faster than we can bail. They need to vote to bring the government to a halt. Only that will bring the Liberals to the table to talk about meaningful reduction in spending. The Democrats propose a 6 billion dollar cut and the Republicans propose a 60 billion dollar cut. Neither is meaningful. you are talking about a 2 day reduction or a 20 day reduction in spending. In other words, even the Republican cuts would be less than 5% of the budget and the Democrats cut would be less than 0.5%!! What the hell are they thinking. Your house dropped 45% in value in the past two years and your income, if you are on unemployment, dropped more than that and they are proposing that government reduce spending by a mere 0.5%? What the hell are they thinking? The interest they are paying on the national debt is greater than that!
I hope we have not moved past the tipping point, or that if we have, that I am wrong, and that there is a way to get back without resorting to rebellion. If there is any hope at all, it rests with us that see the future to expose the fallacy of the Liberal/Progressives and maybe we can sway some of the fools that have bought in to the Liberal/Progressive lie and bring them around to the RIGHT way of thinking. We have to do this because if we don't, then we are on the road to armed rebellion, a scenario that I don't even want to contemplate. We MUST use the Democratic Republic that our founding fathers gave us to stop this before its too late. We MUST get rid of the rest of the scoundrels including the President in the next election.
We let too many of them escape the purge of 2010. The purge of 2012 must finish the job or we are in for a hell of a downward spiral for civilization throughout the entire world.
Much has been made of the fact that so many are on welfare or some sort of government assistance, such as the 99 week unemployment benefits and SS. Also we have to include those on Medicare, Medicaid, etc. When you run the numbers you will see that the count gives us the majority. Yes, I said US because I am on SS, Medicare and a state pension.
The difference is that some of us have figured out that if you kill the Eagle that laid the Golden Egg, it will lay no more Golden Eggs. For now, I think those that are not on the public dole and those of us that are but understand the unsustainability of the situation, are still in the majority. The Unions and those that haven't the brains to see the future and the Liberal/Progressives are still in the minority....I hope. Since all business whether big or small is essentially off the government payroll, I would think they would be with us. But many of them have figured out how to milk the government cow through Bail Outs and Subsidy. Even now, Obama wants to create another class of supporters through government subsidy of the alternative energy sector. Every time he adds another subsidy to the government dole he increases the numbers of those that support him and his attempt to drive us to armed rebellion.
Yes, I realize that using the words, "armed rebellion" in this post will put me on the RADAR screen for the government watchers that watch the Internet. But those words have to be used to wake up the people BEFORE it happens. We CANNOT let it happen. We don't have long and maybe its too late already. But once we get past that tipping point the only thing that will bring us back is something like what is happening in Libya and Egypt, an armed rebellion. That is not good. Armed rebellion, whether it brings the desired relief or not, still costs lives and property. We must avoid this scenario at ALL costs.
Why would Obama want to drive the population to armed rebellion? Because the Liberal/Progressive movement feels that if they can cause a rebellion they will have the upper hand after the smoke clears. They know that they cannot gain control under a Democratic Republic and hold it for long. They need to change the form of government that we currently exist under. That is, they need to "Fundamentally Change" our government. Now where have I heard that phrase before?
Why do I think that he is trying to drive the population to rebellion? Its simple. Everything he has done since entering office had been to drive prices up and incomes down. We are in a recession and he imposes increased taxes which will lower your income. Have you gotten the statement from SS or from your pension yet showing the increase in withholding? If taxes were not going up, why would they increase the withholding??? Obama stops all meaningful oil drilling, driving UP the price of oil, food, and ALL goods that are transported by oil...in other words, all products that you don't create in your own home or grow in your own backyard. Obama supports the unions demands for more money and sided with the unions against the stockholders of GM when he reversed the law that protected Bond holders and the holders of preferred stock from losses. These were protections that these people had paid for through higher price of the holdings and lower expectations on the gains. But Obama stole from them and gave it to the unions. This adds to the cost of the goods that you have to buy at the same time he is lowering your income from a real paycheck to a government subsidy in the form of an unemployment check. If you are drawing unemployment, is that check as much as you were getting when you were employed? All his actions to this point seem to say that he wants you to stay unemployed and on the government dole. Late next year, watch and you will see him propose another extension of the unemployment benefits while doing everything he can to keep unemployment at or above 9%. Didn't he promise the unemployment rate would not go above 8% if his stimulus package was passed two years ago? DIDN'T HE?
If the time comes where They outnumber us, then they will vote to drain the treasury...as they are doing now. Last election we put a stopper in the drain. But did we? Even the 87 freshman congressmen we sent to Washington are getting brainwashed by the insiders in Washington. They are voting for the "continuing resolution" which is a clinker in the stopper allowing it to continually leak faster than we can bail. They need to vote to bring the government to a halt. Only that will bring the Liberals to the table to talk about meaningful reduction in spending. The Democrats propose a 6 billion dollar cut and the Republicans propose a 60 billion dollar cut. Neither is meaningful. you are talking about a 2 day reduction or a 20 day reduction in spending. In other words, even the Republican cuts would be less than 5% of the budget and the Democrats cut would be less than 0.5%!! What the hell are they thinking. Your house dropped 45% in value in the past two years and your income, if you are on unemployment, dropped more than that and they are proposing that government reduce spending by a mere 0.5%? What the hell are they thinking? The interest they are paying on the national debt is greater than that!
I hope we have not moved past the tipping point, or that if we have, that I am wrong, and that there is a way to get back without resorting to rebellion. If there is any hope at all, it rests with us that see the future to expose the fallacy of the Liberal/Progressives and maybe we can sway some of the fools that have bought in to the Liberal/Progressive lie and bring them around to the RIGHT way of thinking. We have to do this because if we don't, then we are on the road to armed rebellion, a scenario that I don't even want to contemplate. We MUST use the Democratic Republic that our founding fathers gave us to stop this before its too late. We MUST get rid of the rest of the scoundrels including the President in the next election.
We let too many of them escape the purge of 2010. The purge of 2012 must finish the job or we are in for a hell of a downward spiral for civilization throughout the entire world.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Racist? He has the insolence to call the TEA Party Racist!
The TEA Party is always being called racist with no data to back up the assertions. In fact the data that exists points in exactly the oposite direction as Michell Malkin explains in her recent article on Townhall.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder reveals himself as a Racist
There is not a one of those people she is describing that I would not vote for. In fact if they were to be running for the top 4 positions in the country all at the same time, I would welcome them to the positions rather than our Racist Attorney General and his crew of racists.
A recent undercover operation revealed the TRUE feelings of the NPR staff. Now, do you really think this would not be all over the main stream media if it had been a conservative making these types of comments? But in this case, only FOX was reporting it today.
NPR executive calls TEA Party racist while revealing himself to be a racist
In this case the information was discovered by undercover journalists. The Liberals will call "Foul" but if the shoe had been on the other foot they would have loved it. Liberals are like that, they cant take the heat and run screaming to the showers when the game gets rough.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder reveals himself as a Racist
There is not a one of those people she is describing that I would not vote for. In fact if they were to be running for the top 4 positions in the country all at the same time, I would welcome them to the positions rather than our Racist Attorney General and his crew of racists.
A recent undercover operation revealed the TRUE feelings of the NPR staff. Now, do you really think this would not be all over the main stream media if it had been a conservative making these types of comments? But in this case, only FOX was reporting it today.
NPR executive calls TEA Party racist while revealing himself to be a racist
In this case the information was discovered by undercover journalists. The Liberals will call "Foul" but if the shoe had been on the other foot they would have loved it. Liberals are like that, they cant take the heat and run screaming to the showers when the game gets rough.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Ship Of State is Like A Cruise Ship
I have been gone as you can tell by the gap in postings. I was on a cruise ship from Galveston TX to the Bahamas and back. It was a great trip except for the fact that there were two channels of CNN on the room TV and none of FOX. But it gave me a perspective on the news that I hadn't seen before.
I now realize that the Ship of State is very much like a cruise ship.
1st, Its expensive to run.
2nd, You have no control of where it is going. That is all up to the Capitan/President
3rd, When things get rough, people get sick. On the Cruise ship there is health care but it is expensive, just like ObamaCare!
4th, Things are being "dumbed down" on cruise ships, they are catering to the "trailer trash" In the old days of cruising no one went out in the evening without being dressed properly. Today being dressed properly seems to mean that your genitalia are covered. The Ship of State is also catering to the lowest classes by stealing from those that have earned it. Now I have no problem with taking care of the poor and the disadvantaged, but I do have a problem with taking care of the foolish and lazy, like letting them into the dinning room in flip flops and a tank top because, "We have to or they will complain and it will be bad for our image." Personally, I think the image that they have dumbed down to is already "bad".
5th, They are cutting the benefits while increasing the cost on the Ship of State, just as they are on cruise ships. There is no more "Midnight Buffet", they charge you for soft drinks, and most of the services have gone sky high. At the same time, the cost of a cruise is going up. On the Ship of State the cost is going up, 3 trillion a year, and the benefits are shrinking. Yes, the benefits need to shrink but that SHOULD result in reduced cost.
6th, They are getting the "cradle to the grave" affliction. In the old days the Bananas Foster, Cherries Jubilee, and Baked Alaska were accompanied by flames, lots of flames. Today they have no flaming desserts because, "Its dangerous". Funny , I never heard of a single ship that was set on fire by a flabe dessert? But somewhere along the way, some lawyer thought we needed protection, so no more fun at dessert. Just like the Ship of State making sure you are free from the consequences of your actions whether its paying for your stock market losses or making sure that your smoking caused diseases are fully cared for.
And finally, this is an old navy joke. If you don't know the joke ask an old sailor. Cruise ships don't have wheels like the Ship of State doesn't. But if someone on the Ship of State tells you to look out the porthole to see the wheels on the ship, you are getting ready to get screwed.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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I now realize that the Ship of State is very much like a cruise ship.
1st, Its expensive to run.
2nd, You have no control of where it is going. That is all up to the Capitan/President
3rd, When things get rough, people get sick. On the Cruise ship there is health care but it is expensive, just like ObamaCare!
4th, Things are being "dumbed down" on cruise ships, they are catering to the "trailer trash" In the old days of cruising no one went out in the evening without being dressed properly. Today being dressed properly seems to mean that your genitalia are covered. The Ship of State is also catering to the lowest classes by stealing from those that have earned it. Now I have no problem with taking care of the poor and the disadvantaged, but I do have a problem with taking care of the foolish and lazy, like letting them into the dinning room in flip flops and a tank top because, "We have to or they will complain and it will be bad for our image." Personally, I think the image that they have dumbed down to is already "bad".
5th, They are cutting the benefits while increasing the cost on the Ship of State, just as they are on cruise ships. There is no more "Midnight Buffet", they charge you for soft drinks, and most of the services have gone sky high. At the same time, the cost of a cruise is going up. On the Ship of State the cost is going up, 3 trillion a year, and the benefits are shrinking. Yes, the benefits need to shrink but that SHOULD result in reduced cost.
6th, They are getting the "cradle to the grave" affliction. In the old days the Bananas Foster, Cherries Jubilee, and Baked Alaska were accompanied by flames, lots of flames. Today they have no flaming desserts because, "Its dangerous". Funny , I never heard of a single ship that was set on fire by a flabe dessert? But somewhere along the way, some lawyer thought we needed protection, so no more fun at dessert. Just like the Ship of State making sure you are free from the consequences of your actions whether its paying for your stock market losses or making sure that your smoking caused diseases are fully cared for.
And finally, this is an old navy joke. If you don't know the joke ask an old sailor. Cruise ships don't have wheels like the Ship of State doesn't. But if someone on the Ship of State tells you to look out the porthole to see the wheels on the ship, you are getting ready to get screwed.
Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
Ronald Reagan was Right
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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