Thursday, March 31, 2011

Controlling the Universe

A while back I noticed something interesting as I sat in my living room watching TV. I have three chiming clocks. One is a tall old Grandfather clock that chimes every quarter hour with the Westminster chimes. On the hour it counts the hour. The second is a smaller, Grandmother clock. It also strikes every quarter hour and counts the hour on the hour. The third is a mantle clock the strikes once on the half hour and then counts the hour on the hour.

These three clocks sit in my living room and in the entry way to the house. They are in a triangle that is about 10 feet on two sides and five feet on the third side.

What I noticed was that they didn't all strike the hour at the same time even though I originally set them to all chime in unison. Being a scientist, this puzzled me so I set about looking for answers.

After a lot of physics and mathematics I finally discovered the answer and it gave me control of the universe. I don't know what I will do with that control, but it should be worth something to someone.

How, did I do that , I am sure you are asking?

Well if you start with the fact that the universe is expanding it soon becomes clear that the time between any one of those clocks an the center of the universe is different from the time for another clock. That difference is determined by how far any clock is from the center of the universe. Since the universe all started at a singularity at the beginning of time (there was no such thing as time before the Big Bang) then the clock that is furthest from the center of the universe is the oldest clock and the one closest to the center is the youngest clock. Thus the clock furthest from the center of the universe will chime FIRST!!!

Now using mathematics and triangulation it is possible to determine in which direction the universe is expanding and at what rate it is expanding. The clock that chimes first is closet to the "edge" of the universe and with three clocks the exact direction that the universe is expanding can be determined. Tonight it is expanding toward the west at about 3 feet per second. This is very revealing and very useful when combined with the information that follows.

Those that are familiar with quantum physics know of the "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal", right? Well, what it basically says is that the minute you begin to measure something, you change the thing that you are measuring. Thus, to have absolute certainty of the position of something, you give up certainty of its motion and the reverse is also true. Therefore as soon as I begin counting the seconds between the arrival of the time front across the three clocks I change the direction and speed of that motion.

So this explains why some evenings we are expanding to the West at 3 feet per second and at other times I measure the expansion to the North at 2.3 feet per second, etc. It is being changed by my measurement!!!

Here comes the exciting part. I can measure the change that my measuring causes by looking at the results. Now, being able to see what effect my measurements have, I can use that knowledge to "shift" the expansion direction and speed as I please. Ok, Ok, it might be like rowing a round boat across a pond, sort of iffy, but I think I can learn to control it somewhat and I will then have complete control of the universe!

OK, so now what can I do with that control? Anyone have any ideas? Please respond quick because there are some guys coming in the front door that look like they are crazy. They have a big net and look like they are looking for big butterflies.

OOps, gotta go. These guys want me to help them.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic

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