Saturday, July 16, 2011

He who sups with the devil should do so with a long spoon

Compromise is not usually good. If you are compromising on how much sugar to put in a pie, that may be a good place for compromise. But if you are right and the other side is wrong, then compromise is non-productive.

If you were in a car driving down the highway with a sheer drop of 500 feet on the right and you had the choice of staying on the road or ending at the bottom of the cliff, would compromise at falling only half way down the cliff be attractive? I don't think so.

In this case, the debt ceiling, we have a situation not far from the car example. Here the "right" is correct and the "left" is incorrect. Compromise at half incorrect is not a good thing! If we are to "sup with the devil" then we need a "long spoon" as the saying says. If we are to compromise with the left and raise the debt ceiling half way to where they want it, then our "long spoon" had better be a firm and unavoidable commitment to a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution AND spending cuts to match the increase in the debt limit. Without those, the spoon is too short and we will be agreeing to the devils wills.

The devil lies. We all know that. The devil gets what he wants by telling lies. Lies like. "The US will go into default on its debt if the debt ceiling is not raised." This is not just a misstatement, not just an error, it is a LIE. Call it as it is, it is a fabrication and a LIE.

The 14th amendment to the constitution requires that the service on the debt be paid before anything else is paid. The service on the debt is about 270 billion dollars, period. That is all it is. The projected income to the US Government for the next year is 2.7 trillion dollars. Thus the service on the debt is only 10% of income. There can be no default!!! I suspect that most people reading this have a debt service that is twice or three times that much. Most people are paying a mortgage that is 20% of their income. In the first 5 years, almost 100% of your house payment is interest (debt service). Then add the car, another $250 a month in interest (debt service).

But the government is way out of line with its spending outside of the debt service. Capping the debt ceiling and not raising it would NOT AFFECT our ability to pay the interest on the debt but it would mean that some of the wasteful crap would not be funded. SS, Medicare, are all well funded without raising the debt ceiling. Obamas claim he could not guarantee SS payments would go out on time was the truth, but only because he couldn't guarantee it even if we had 10 trillion in surplus, because its not his responsibility!!!! He COULD however, if he so chose, delay the payments for political reasons but it would require that congress agree with him. But SS is funded without his help.

Obama, faced with a shortage of funds, is the one that can decide which of the domestic programs to cut, but he cant cut service on the debt. And you can be sure that he would pick the ones that cause the most pain and then blame it on the Republicans. But the truth is, HE would be the one making the choices so HE would be the one on which the blame belongs. It is up to the Republicans to make it clear just who made those decisions instead of sitting on their hands in abject fear of the repercussions from Obama if they speak out against him or repercussions at the ballot box. NO decision should ever be made considering how it will look at the next election.

Its time to forget "Politically Correct". Its time to speak out and tell the president that he is a liar. Tell the Democrats that they are liars. They know the truth and they are hiding it. We need to "call a spade a spade", as the old poker saying goes. We need to speak the truth, not the politically correct pablum because we fear repercussions.

"You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free."

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic

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