Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets All Get Neked!!!

By the way, "Neked" in Texan means "in your birthday suit".

One of my pet peeves is news people that go around "fear mongering". It happens on both sides of the political spectrum. But this time its happening on Fox news. Today it was one of my "favorite" fear mongers, Julie Banderas. She and Jamie are two of the worst. They wrinkle up their brow, frown, and ask a stupid question that implies some sort of disaster.

Julie was all worked up over the body scanners that store "naked pictures", 35,000 of them, for, as one of the interviewees on that channel called it, "A peep show database". Of course unless you watched the show and saw the pictures, you might have SOME concern. But those pictures couldn't have been used to identify even the sex of the person!! And the whole uproar is over those particular machines that were set up at some courthouse. Those machines showed pictures that didnt even have to be "bleeped out" by the TV channel!!!

My first reaction to this sort of stupidity is to ask, if you had a "real" naked picture of me that didn't show my head and didn't have my name attached how in the world could it be embarrassing to me? I doubt that even I would be able to pick myself out of a naked lineup. But more than that, if I had a choice of a mild embarrassment or being blown up in a terrorist attack, I would choose the embarrassment.

The second reaction is to suggest that you have the option of going through the machine, going home, or being patted down. Its not as if it was your only choice. Personally I might prefer the "patting down" except that I now hear that my Teachers Retirement medical wont pay for Viagra. So what the hell, might as well have a portrait taken. At least I could put that on the mantle.

But I do find it strange that the company that makes the machines said that they left the recording function in the device because 42% of their customers want that capability even though the government doesn't. That sounds like "spin" to me. If I was running a company that made machines that I sold for profit and I could up the profit margin by $100 a machine by leaving out a hard drive and some software on 58% of the sold product. I would do it in an instant!!!

Jim Isbell

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