There is NO GOOD REASON to vote for a third party candidate. Simple and straight forward. That is the only answer. Unless you want to elect the one guy you are against. Making a statement is futile. It does NOT bring satisfaction in the end.
Luckily for us, the memory is strong, in the minds of most, of what happened with Perot and his third party. It elected the opposition by taking votes away from the ONE candidate that could have won! There may be a few young voters that dont remember, but hopefully we can get to them and teach them the folly of a third party candidate.
Logic tells you that if you have two candidates that are neither your favorite, but one of which, if it came down to it you would prefer, that voting for a third candidate will take only votes from your preferred candidate and NONE from the person you hate so much. This gives you the worst of all alternatives, a win for the worst candidate.
I see that in New York there is a move for a third Conservative Party line on the ballot. DONT fall for it. This may very well be being pushed by the Liberals as their only way to defeat the conservatives!!! REMEMBER, "divide and conquer". If we are divided by two choices on the "Conservative" side, the Liberals will win. Its a "loose-Loose" situation. Dont fall for it.
Jim Isbell
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