Sunday, October 31, 2010

Are we doing the right Thing?

I often ask myself that when working on my next event for the TEA Party. If you don't ask yourself that then you are not thinking about what you are doing. The conservative movement needs thinking individuals, not mindless automatons like the great majority of Democrats and many Republicans that just keep trying things that failed in other countries. They keep thinking, "Maybe it was because we just did this one thing wrong." Proof of this mentality is showing up already from the mouths of the President and VP. He is already down playing the losses he is expecting by suggesting that its not the failed program, but rather, "We didn't explain it enough." Or maybe its because he is black, which couldn't be further from the truth, but he clings to that as an excuse. Or maybe the electorate just isn't smart enough to understand what he is doing. They are just a bunch of dummies....according to the VP. But they just cant see that what they are doing is the WRONG thing and "we the people" have caught them at it.

But the other night as I sat at the computer writing I realized I was doing just exactly the right thing. It was late at night, well past midnight and I was sitting in a dark room with only the light of the monitor as I typed. As I thought about what I was writing I realized that in some countries this would be considered high treason and I could be arrested for it. A cold chill ran down my spine as I recalled a visit I made to Guatemala some years back, shortly after the new Constitution was adopted and it became a safer place to visit.

People were still afraid and the doors were always locked and bared after 9PM. My wife and I went out to see a "movie" and forgot about the curfew that our host had presented us with. We were innocent gringos and young. A "movie" at that time and maybe still is, a trip to a nearby home where someone had a stack of VHS tapes and a large screen TV. There were perhaps 15 folding chairs in front of the TV and for 15 cents you could see any movie in the library as long as that is what everyone else wanted to see. That evening the movie was a documentary about "Romero", the priest that was executed by a right wing death squad. As we sat there I was thinking, "This would not be allowed a few years ago." "Maybe its not allowed now!" Again, a cold chill ran up my spine and I imagined a group of guerrillas with AK47s bursting through the door and spraying bullets everywhere. It was real and a chilling experience. As we walked home in the dark on cobble stone streets under a full moon and arrived at our hosts home to a bared door, we realized the fear that existed, still then, in this country. We were allowed back in and admonished never to stay out that late again.

As I was writing my blog I had felt that same chill. I suddenly realized that I was probably on some list somewhere as an "enemy". The chill got colder. That was when I knew I was doing the right thing.

If you don't feel a chill when you become active in politics, then maybe you are not active enough, or maybe not touching the edge of the envelope.

If you have never felt that chill, you can start by going to the polls Tuesday, November 2nd, and voting for the conservatives. If you don't have time between now and then to sort them all out, then just pull the lever for Republican and then we can sort them out later. I don't like a single lever vote and have never done it before this year, but the risk is to great this time to do anything else.

If that doesn't give you the chill then you need to get involved with the TEA Party until it does. I certainly hope I am on somebodies list, because if I am not, I am not trying hard enough.

Jim Isbell

Monday, October 25, 2010

Obama Wants Your Retirement To Fund His Spending Spree

He cant find the money so he wants your retirement.

Under the guise of "Protecting You" Obama wants to take all 401Ks and IRAs and merge them into the Social Security system. We already know that it is on the verge of bankruptcy. So why will it protect our retirement programs if he merges them into a program known to be on its last legs??

It wont. The reason for the siezing of your assets is so that Congress can barrow against them to fund still more spending, and even more quickly bankrupt the country and your IRA with it.

Rep. George Miller (D-CA) has already held hearings on merging 401(k)s, IRAs, and other tax-advantaged private savings programs into the failed Social Security program.

This is not a new thing, but it is a sure thing if we dont get off the sofa and do something about it.

Don't wait until your retirement is gone and its too late for the fiscal conservatives to rescue it.

VOTE conservative on November 2nd. If you don't know what that means, it means vote a straight ticket for republicans for now and we can sort them out after the plaster stops falling.

NO DEMOCRATS ARE TRUSTWORTHY this time around. I suspect all republicans as well, but at least they did try to co-opt the TEA Party movement so it tells me they are leaning in the right direction.

Now we just have to get the trees planted and then push them to the right till the roots take hold.

Jim Isbell

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"But for me we would be in a world wide depression"

Its hard for me to believe that Harry Reid actually said that, but I have listened to the tape several times. He actually proclaimed himself the savior of the world. On October 21st he told MSNBC that he had saved the world from a world wide depression and its all on tape. He doesnt even acknowledge that the "supreme savior" Barak had anything to do with it. He did it all by himself, not even "The Great Nancy" helped.

This is the audacity that makes this administration so offensive to the voters. This is the audacity that will put this administration out on its ear.

This is a short post, but I just cant think of a thing to add to it!!!

Jim Isbell

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lets Make Wiretapping Easier?

It seems that the transparency that Obama was talking about, we misunderstood.

The administration is now going to try to get legislation through congress that will make it easier for them to wiretap into your life. They were not talking about transparency in both ways, but a one way mirror!!!

The argument is that its too hard to wiretap cell phones so we need more legislation to force AT&T and Verizon, etc, etc to make it easier for the government to listen in to your conversations. If they want to listen in to us, I don't think we should be told to make it easy. I think that is a violation of the protection that we have not to be forced to testify against ourselves.

So when touting transparency leading up to the election, they were not talking about letting you know what they were doing, they were talking about wanting it to be easier for them to look into your bedroom window to see what you were doing. Now I understand.

Next they will want me to video tape it and send them the they can leak them to NPR...maybe...

Jim Isbell

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Endowed by their Creator

Obama apparently is NOT a Christian. I have been giving him the benefit of the doubt until now. But three strikes and you are out. Now for the third time he has left God out of our Declaration of Independence. The first time, it might have been a mistake, even the second time, but three times and it is intentional.

Back on September 15 while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute he quoted the Declaration of Independence and left out the phrase "They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights".

On the 23rd of September, just 8 days later, after his deletion of the phrase had been commented on in the news and, surely, brought to his attention, he did it again at a fund raiser in NY city.

Then he did it again a third time on Monday night at in Rockville, Md.

It is now obvious that this is a deliberate attempt to remove God from our nations founding. It can no longer be excused.

Mr. Obama is deliberately removing our Christian heritage from us.

If our rights come to us from God then they are unalienable. But, if they come to us from government then what government gives, government can take away.

We do not want to go down this road!!!!

Jim Isbell



Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Most Advertising Sucks

When I was in high school we were taught that the best advertising was the ad that made you want to identify with the person in the ad that was buying the product. That makes a lot of sense. If you identify with someone you want to act similarly. If they buy a product, you will be so inclined.

Today they seem to think that just isn't the way to do it. An ad for yogurt shows a man and his wife approaching a vendor with free yogurt. The man is an idiot and decides he isn't interested in the product because it might be good for him. But he is cajoled into trying it. Then with a mouth full of yogurt (that for some reason he cant swallow before talking) he says that he likes it. But yogurt is a soft easy to swallow product. Why couldn't the idiot swallow before talking? Personally, I will never buy that product. I couldn't identify with the idiot.

Another ad that is particularly offensive is the ad for a new kind of blood sugar tester. In the ad the woman that is trying it is so stupid that the announcer has to finish all her sentences for her. This is a new trend in advertising, having the announcer finish the sentences of the speaker. Am I going to identify with a person that cannot finish their own sentences? Of course not!

Then there is another recent development in advertising, "make the guy look like an idiot in front of his wife". While it may not be the PC thing to say, the money in most households is managed by the male. Maybe it shouldn't be that way, but that happens to be the reality. Now does it make any sense to ridicule the guy that is in control of the purse strings? I don't think so.

Maybe I am in the minority, but if they want my dollar, they should use ads like the Dos XX ad with the "most admired man in the world" The guy that "once had an awkward moment just to see what it felt like." There is a guy I can identify with, and I don't even like beer! But I might try Dos XX if I keep seeing that ad.

Jim Isbell

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rats and Cannibalism

Recently we are hearing more and more about strange actions by supposedly crazed people. The recent beating to two gay men for no other reason than that they were gay. The ferocity of the attacks was animal like. Humans are supposed to be better than animals because they can think and make moral decisions. But more and more we are seeing people make decisions that can only be described as primal, without conscience.

A while back I was turning left and the person behind me, for some reason, felt that my slowing down was inconveniencing him. After turning the corner I pulled to the side to park. The irritated person followed me and got out of his car in a furry. He walked up to my car and kicked the rear fender so hard he actually dented it. As I drove away to avoid further confrontation I saw him in the rear view mirror hopping on one foot and holding his other foot that he apparently injured in the attack on my car.

Why are we seeing these aberrations of human conduct? Is the human race degenerating? Are we reversing the normal upward trend of evolution? Are we getting away from morals because we are getting away from God?

I think that the answer is probably none of the above. While I think that a reverence for God can help toward making moral decisions, and while I think my God will give me eternal life. I realize that there are other paths to moral decision making. There are beliefs in other gods than mine, which, while I believe they wont ensure eternal life, I accept that they also espouse moral lifestyles. So I don't think it is a move away from God that is causing the primitive behavior.

Many years ago a study was done with rats. The experiment was to study the effects of crowding on animals. They found that putting too many rats in a cage, even when they had adequate food for all, caused them to turn to cannibalism...apparently to cut down on the crowding.

Maybe we have too many people on this planet. Maybe we should once again explore space to find other habitable worlds, so we can spread this madness throughout the universe.

Jim Isbell

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Last TEA Party

Today just hours ago we finished "The Last TEA Party" This TEA Party was the 4th in a series that I have hosted in South Texas. The first was a year ago last April. Each has improved on the previous one. I billed this TEA Party as the "Last TEA Party" because as I said back in late July as we began planning for it, "If things turn around in November, we wont need to have any more TEA Parties, and if they don't turn around I will be on my way to Guatemala where I only have to deal with the Mafia. The Mafia is only motivated by money, but the Progressives want my money, and my soul. They want to subjugate me.

Since then I have changed. I have realized that the TEA Party movement is more than just a route to change in November. When the TEA Party movement started 18 months ago it was just a fringe element with no standing in the polls. It expanded and grew. As it grew it became a mirror in which we could see ourselves. What we saw was not good.

Twenty years ago, Ronald Regan left us with a viable, free, country with a soul. Over the following 20 rears we sold ourselves into slavery for a few gold coins. The countries soul disappeared. The mirror of the TEA Party movement looked back at us and we saw ourselves as prostitutes that had sold our bodies to the government for comfort and safety.

The TEA Party movement, as it grew into a movement of honestly concerned citizens, made a change in us. We realized our error and now we are coming back to our conservative principals. This change, this regeneration of conservatism, has made us even stronger as each day has gone by and we are now seeing that we can influence the flow of politics. This change came through an internal change in ourselves.

We have given our country back its soul as the TEA Party movement has given us the courage to stand on our own and refuse to be prostituted again. We have given our country a conscience. And conscience is that which gives one the ability to make moral decisions.

So I have changed in my attitude as to where the TEA Party movement goes after Nov 2nd. I realize now that if the TEA Party movement folds up its tents on November 3rd, we will leave the country without a conscience, without a soul, once again. We can never leave our country without a soul ever again. The TEA Party movement must go on forever. It must continue to keep the two political parties in check.

On November 3rd a cold chill will go up the backs of career politicians as they realize that the game has changed. And we, in the TEA Party movement, must hold their feet to the fire until that chill goes away.

Jim Isbell

Friday, October 15, 2010

Why are they suing Arizona?

The Columbia Daily Tribune of Columbia Mo. reports the following:

"JEFFERSON CITY (AP) — The number of illegal immigrants arrested by Missouri troopers has fallen significantly in the three years since the state began checking the residency status of everyone booked into jail.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol turned up an average of one illegal immigrant per day during the initial months after former Republican Gov. Matt Blunt ordered it to check the immigration status of everyone it incarcerated in August 2007, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.

But the number of illegal immigrants found by those checks declined by more than 40 percent in 2008 and an additional 30 percent in 2009, according to the patrol records. It has leveled off at that lower rate this year.
Missouri’s gubernatorial directive was expanded to all police by a state law that took effect in August 2008"

Ok, now tell me again, why is Obama suing the state of Arizona????

Thursday, October 14, 2010

IRS attack on the Church is over?

A couple of days ago I reported on a pastor that was tweaking the IRS's nose in order to spark a court test of the IRS ability to remove the tax free status of a church over political speech in the pulpit. is now reporting that the IRS has backed off and will not press the issue because they know they will loose in court. Of course this tells the thousands of preachers across the nation that they have nothing to fear from "The Big Bad Wolf".

I hope this is true, that there is nothing to fear. But remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She was told by the wolf that she had nothing to fear from "Grandma."

Stupidity, Hypocrisy, or just plain Evil?

First, the Stupidity of government. I am sure all of you have at one time or another opened a new product package and found a "note" inside or on the product that specified that you should wear goggles when using the product. I once opened a box that contained a water faucet and found such a note. I guess they were worried that water might squirt into your eyes!!

Well the other day I bought a gas powered string trimmer. It came with that warning, AND a pair of goggles. In the past when I was still wearing glasses I ignored that warning because the glasses would protect my eyes, and they did so admirably. However two years ago I had cataract surgery and had both lenses replaced.

After cataracts are removed they put in a new lens. The "usual" lens is a single focus lens that restores your vision to either distance or close, NOT BOTH. Medicare will pay for the "usual" lens completely. However there is now a multi focus lens that will restore your vision to what you had as a 20 year old. Medicare will NOT pay for that lens because they consider that surgery to be like a "boob job", is the way it was explained to me. That is "stupidity". After all, my original vision was multi focus, all I am asking is to restore my original vision. Would they tell someone with an arm amputation that they could only have a hand prosthesis attached at the shoulder! Be that as it may, if you are having cataract surgery , and can afford the $3000 per eye, I highly recommend the multi focus lens!

Now back to my story of the goggles. This time because I no longer have the protection of the glasses, and because they had provided the goggles, I decided to wear the goggles. Shortly thereafter I knocked myself silly by hitting my head on a tree branch that I could not see because the goggles restricted my vision. Maybe we need a warning on the goggles that wearing them may cause a danger to the user because of restricted vision??? Stupid!!!

I could go on forever about the stupid rules that are produced by government agencies. But the best comment on that I once heard, was "A Camel is a horse built by a government agency."

Now, the hypocrisy. There is a group of people called "Birthers" that doubt the birth place location claimed by the president. I am NOT one of them. I am fairly sure he was born in Hawaii, but that is beside the point. When questioned by the "Birthers" and asked to produce a birth certificate, the administration has always refused, saying that it was not their responsibility to provide it.

Now, the president attacks the Chamber of Commerce and claims they are spending "foreign money" on political campaign support. This would be an illegal activity if it were true. However he presents no proof. And the Senior Advisor, David Axelrod, has the audacity to say this about the lack of proof. "If its not true, they could just produce their records and prove it."

Now couldn't this be said about the birth certificate? To paraphrase David Axlerod, if Obama was really born in Hawaii, "he could just produce the certificate and prove it."

Isn't this rank Hypocrisy?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"One Pastors Opinion"

I found this today on the internet. He says it so well, I will just copy it for your edification.

Pastor Gordon tells OneNewsNow that Christians are often accused of shoving their religion down others' throats -- and if they say the same things inside the walls of the church, they are accused of bringing politics into religion. "You can't have it both ways," he remarks.

"We're tired of the hypocrisy of these people because they desire to ensconce -- and frankly they're doing it -- ...secular humanism [as] the new state religion of the United States of America in violation of the original intent of the First Amendment," he laments.

Gordon stresses that despite complaints from groups like Americans United, he will continue to preach his convictions on Sunday.

"I have never, nor will I ever, get a message from the Holy Spirit and then go check with the IRS tax code first to see if it's okay to preach it," he states. "I'm tired of pastors submitting to this tyranny -- and I'm expecting to try to get the IRS to sue us so that we can take it all the way to the Supreme Court and restore freedom in America's pulpits."

Well said, Pastor Gordon.

Jim Isbell

Friday, October 8, 2010

National ID Cards

Being a conservative I am supposed to be against national ID cards. But I am not sure I am. Maybe, but not sure.

The reason I say this is that I am certified as an Election Judge here in Texas so I know how the election rules are applied. The argument for national ID cards is that they will clean up the elections. It will be harder for people to stack the cards, have dead people vote, vote multiple times at different precincts. All of these can be a problem as the recent case in Houston where it was found that 24,000 voters were registered either multiple times, or dead, or whatever. They were not qualified voters for what ever reason.

A national ID with your picture on it might stem the tide of voter fraud. If the risk of Big Brother or a nation run by dead voters was at stake, I would take the risk that the government might use the cards incorrectly. But I dont think that is the choice.

In Texas if a voter presents anything but a valid registration that is on the list before the clerk, his/her vote will be taken, but NOT counted. You can actually vote by just showing your drivers license of even just a piece of mail with your home address on it, like an electric bill. These votes are put aside until after the known valid votes are counted. If the race is so close that the number of contested ballots could change the results, then the contested ballots are counted. But they are not blindly counted, they are examined closely and where they can be verified as legitimate voters, they are counted.

So people that vote multiple times or that are dead are not counted...even though they were allowed to vote at the polls. It is far to difficult to examine every contested voter at the voting place. But that doesnt mean that they are NOT examined before the vote is counted.

So the need for a national ID, at least for voting is not that least, not in Texas.

However something that has bugged me for years is the way hunters, fishermen, taxpayers, and drivers are treated across the nation. If I have paid taxes in one state on a new boat, it is credited to me as having been paid if I move it to another state. So if I have paid for a fishing license in one state, it should be valid in another state. After all, I can not be fishing in two states at the same time! The same goes for a hunting license, or a drivers license. In the case of the drivers license, it IS considered valid in all states, why not fishing and hunting licenses? A national fishing license, hunting license, drivers license all would be incorporated into a national ID.

One argument against a national ID is that it might offend some religious beliefs if it had a picture on it. But that argument just doesnt fly. We wont let a Muslim woman walk into a bank with her face hidden...after all it could be a man with an AK47 under the dress!!! And that offends the Muslim community. The Amish community is offended by having their picture taken, But isn't access to banking services more important that access to hunting or fishing.

Why not have a national ID with no photographs, but maybe a retina scan, or a finger print?

Jim Isbell

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Solution Is NO JOBS!!!

After hearing Ms Polosi's recent comments I realized that the Obama administration is on the right track. So far nothing he has done has made a substantial dent in the unemployment situation. His defense is that, "It could have been worse if it were not for the jobs saved by the stimulus." No where do I hear him giving evidence of jobs created in quantity enough to make up for the ones lost.

But, thats ok according to Nancy Polosi. Ms Polosi says that, "Every dollar spent on Food Stamps produces $1.79 in stimulus." "Its the best bang for the buck," she says.

If that is so, then the administrations approach to unemployment is on the right track. If they keep on they will eliminate every job in the US or they will ship them overseas. Then the phrase will be "Jobs lost or shipped overseas.", not "Jobs saved or created." And that will put everyone on Food Stamps.

With everyone on Food Stamps then every dollar spent will produce $1.79 in stimulus and the $1.2 trillion Obama wasted last year will mean $2.1 trillion in stimulus.

We will be the biggest boom in history......

BUT.... no one will have a job. But thats ok as the government will buy more food stamps to continue the boom.

Jim Isbell

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So What Was His Exit Strategy?

Mr Obama was always grousing about Bushes failure to have an "Exit Strategy" But he doesn't have one either.

19 months ago Obama took office and started the recovery of the economy...or so he said. But he didn't have an exit strategy. His plan was to spend,spend,spend until the economy recovered. But it didnt work. So whats his exit strategy?

When you start a plan like this you should always plan for the "What Ifs" He didn't.

Any logical thinking person could see that once you have spent 2 trillion dollars, if it doesn't work, you cant get the money back. There is no exit strategy. It better work or else. If it doesn't work, you cannot raise taxes to get the money already spent or you will further collapse the economy. On the other hand, if you dont raise taxes the deficit will balloon. You are between a rock and a hard place.

On the other hand, if you try to get things going by cutting taxes and it doesn't work, you have not built up a 2 trillion dollar deficit and all you have to do is try the other attack and raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. There is your exit strategy.

If Mr Obama had thought it out he could be now saying, "I tried it your way and it didn't work" (if it indeed did not work) "so now I will try it my way." If it had worked he would be a hero in 19 months from his inauguration. If it didn't and then spending did work, he would, again, be a hero for trying the oppositions plan first and showing it to be defective.

But by stubbornly sticking to the same plan that didn't work in 1932 and failing, he is an ass. Now he will try cutting taxes. If it works he is an ass for not trying it sooner and if it doesn't work he is still an ass. Its a NO WIN situation for him!!

What this shows is that the man is a fool. He could have been a hero but he chose to screw it up, all in the name of a philosophy that had already been proven wrong in 1932.

Jim Isbell

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets Ship Them To Tiera Del Fuego

I was shocked yesterday to hear that the Mexican government blames the violence in the northern border cities of Mexico on the US because they say we are shipping the criminals back to the border. They want us to give them air tickets to their home town instead. So, their inability to keep criminals from traveling north and into the US makes it our fault that they have crime at the border.

Well, for once I agree with least as far as the solution.... Maybe we should take them a bit further south, however, right down to the Straights of Magellan. It would take a long time for them to get back north and possibly they would not live to finish the trip. But even if they did, their crime sprees would be spread out all across South America and Mexico so that some of those countries might be inclined to help with the problem.

Another solution would be to give them a parachute and dump them over their hometown so that the plane wouldnt have to land. I expect few of them would want to return, even if they survived the trip home.

A third possibility is to ship them down to Brother Hugo. Let him feed them.

Jim Isbell