Today just hours ago we finished "The Last TEA Party" This TEA Party was the 4th in a series that I have hosted in South Texas. The first was a year ago last April. Each has improved on the previous one. I billed this TEA Party as the "Last TEA Party" because as I said back in late July as we began planning for it, "If things turn around in November, we wont need to have any more TEA Parties, and if they don't turn around I will be on my way to Guatemala where I only have to deal with the Mafia. The Mafia is only motivated by money, but the Progressives want my money, and my soul. They want to subjugate me.
Since then I have changed. I have realized that the TEA Party movement is more than just a route to change in November. When the TEA Party movement started 18 months ago it was just a fringe element with no standing in the polls. It expanded and grew. As it grew it became a mirror in which we could see ourselves. What we saw was not good.
Twenty years ago, Ronald Regan left us with a viable, free, country with a soul. Over the following 20 rears we sold ourselves into slavery for a few gold coins. The countries soul disappeared. The mirror of the TEA Party movement looked back at us and we saw ourselves as prostitutes that had sold our bodies to the government for comfort and safety.
The TEA Party movement, as it grew into a movement of honestly concerned citizens, made a change in us. We realized our error and now we are coming back to our conservative principals. This change, this regeneration of conservatism, has made us even stronger as each day has gone by and we are now seeing that we can influence the flow of politics. This change came through an internal change in ourselves.
We have given our country back its soul as the TEA Party movement has given us the courage to stand on our own and refuse to be prostituted again. We have given our country a conscience. And conscience is that which gives one the ability to make moral decisions.
So I have changed in my attitude as to where the TEA Party movement goes after Nov 2nd. I realize now that if the TEA Party movement folds up its tents on November 3rd, we will leave the country without a conscience, without a soul, once again. We can never leave our country without a soul ever again. The TEA Party movement must go on forever. It must continue to keep the two political parties in check.
On November 3rd a cold chill will go up the backs of career politicians as they realize that the game has changed. And we, in the TEA Party movement, must hold their feet to the fire until that chill goes away.
Jim Isbell
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