After hearing Ms Polosi's recent comments I realized that the Obama administration is on the right track. So far nothing he has done has made a substantial dent in the unemployment situation. His defense is that, "It could have been worse if it were not for the jobs saved by the stimulus." No where do I hear him giving evidence of jobs created in quantity enough to make up for the ones lost.
But, thats ok according to Nancy Polosi. Ms Polosi says that, "Every dollar spent on Food Stamps produces $1.79 in stimulus." "Its the best bang for the buck," she says.
If that is so, then the administrations approach to unemployment is on the right track. If they keep on they will eliminate every job in the US or they will ship them overseas. Then the phrase will be "Jobs lost or shipped overseas.", not "Jobs saved or created." And that will put everyone on Food Stamps.
With everyone on Food Stamps then every dollar spent will produce $1.79 in stimulus and the $1.2 trillion Obama wasted last year will mean $2.1 trillion in stimulus.
We will be the biggest boom in history......
BUT.... no one will have a job. But thats ok as the government will buy more food stamps to continue the boom.
Jim Isbell
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