Friday, November 26, 2010

The Essentials Of The Republic

The Republic of the United States of America is supported by two columns, each of which must be present to preserve the Republic. Those columns are:

1.) "The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights" (Law)

2.) "Fiscal Responsibility" (Economy)

The idea of Trinity Base, my new Facebook page, is that there are three supporting legs for each of these columns.

The three legs that support the Constitution are:

the 1st amendment (Freedom of the people to exchange ideas),

the 2nd amendment (Ability to defend those freedoms from ALL who would take them away)

the 10th amendment (Freedom from an oppressive governments ability to take these freedoms away)

It is not that the rest of the Bill Of Rights is not important, it is, but that these three are the basics that are required to hold up the column and if any one of them are lost the column falls.

The three legs that support Fiscal Responsibility are:

1.) spending within our means,

2.) taxing so that enterprise is not stifled,

3.) smaller government to support the other two legs.

None of these three legs can be left out or the column falls.

And further, if either of these columns fails the house comes down. Without a robust economy the citizens cannot survive and without the temper of Law the citizens will destroy themselves.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
My Facebook

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