I just exchanged emails with a person in Guatemala that often argues politics with me. He may not realize it but he is a mentor, a counter point, a devils advocate that helps me to distill my views on politics. He recently made some outrageous claims about the TEA Party so I was trying to teach him. He made the following statement:
What I mean is that you (I am speaking of the US as a whole you) have screwed the pooch and if any of you think that any politician can get you out of the mess you have created for yourselves you are delusional.
It really doesn't matter if you get rid of the Texas speaker or whoever, the next one to come along will be just as ineffective. It doesn't matter if the democrats have control or the republicans have control or Mickey Mouse has control. IT'S BROKEN, IT CAN"T BE FIXED!
For fifty years you built an infrastructure on borrowed money that you could never possibly maintain or support. Now that infrastructure is collapsing, you don't have the tax base to support the maintenance and all you can do is point fingers at one another to fix it. There's no way anyone can cope with a 13 TRILLION dollar debt (that is growing) and maintain the massive infrastructure you have created at the same time. The only future is for the Federal Reserve to continue to print more money and that will eventually lead to massive inflation. Then the corporations that told you to invest your money in your 401K's and other financial instruments will collect their winnings that they don't have to pay taxes on because they convinced you that taxing them would be bad for the economy and you will be left once again with nothing. Same cycle that goes around about every 10 years or so.
I want to share my response with my blog readers, because I think it is important:
Well, believe it or not I agree with every single thing you said, except that it cant be fixed.
That is why I said you didnt have a clue about the TEA Party because they would agree, to a man...or woman....,with everything you said....except that it cant be fixed. You are almost a TEA Bagger....
We are not willing to give up.
Yes, you are right, for 40 years we have been sleeping. We awoke 18 months ago and will never again sleep unless one eye is open. I firmly believe that with the continuous pressure on the politicians that they will reform.
I just got off the phone with my Congressman, one hour of conversation. Do you realize just how rare that is? A constituent talking directly to his congressman? It hasnt been the norm in 40 years. I have his home and cell phone numbers. I am no one special except that I am TEA Party and I put him in and I can take him back out....AND HE KNOWS IT. I have access to four major elected officials at the state and Federal level. And I am just a vocal constituent. And, I dont belong to either party.
This scene is being repeated all over the country today thanks to the TEA Party.
The TEA Party is NOT a third party and we will not run our own candidates. But we will vett our candidates and whether they are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent we will vett them carefully and try to educate the public to what they are actually getting. I have a signed document with 8 points on it that my congressman gave me and I keep it in my desk drawer. I told him that if he failed to pursue those goals I would be running against him next cycle.
I dont want to run for congress, I am a reluctant candidate. I am 74 years old and should be retired. So I hope he keeps his promise. BUT the reason this country got so far from the concept of the "Citizen Legislature" was because we, and I include myself, didnt want to leave the field and our crops to go to Washington for a couple of terms and do the peoples work. We defaulted to the "Professional Legislatures" who made a career of fleecing the citizens (can we say, Charlie Rangel?). It was our own fault, not his.
But now we need to correct it, or as you say, sleep in the bed we made for ourselves.
You are absolutely right.
A book to read that has just been published that you would like is "TEA Party--The Awakening" By Brent Morehouse and over 100 TEA Party leaders...including me on pages 338-341
Jim Isbell
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