Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TEA Party is weak and inconsequential

I said this before and not too long ago.

The establishment is underestimating the TEA Party. They believe the TEA Party to be a small bunch of "Bible thumping, gun toting extremists", weak and inconsequential.

Last night the Republicans got a wake up call as did the Democrats. Both were shocked by the success of the TEA Party backed candidates.

Yes, some of the TEA Party backed candidates failed to win, BUT, the establishment didn't think ANY would win. Instead most of them won.

They won in the primaries by putting conservative nominees into the Republican slots. I have ALWAYS said the the best way to change America is to put conservative candidates into the primaries of BOTH parties thus insuring that a Conservative would be elected no mater which party won.

It has always been my position that the TEA Party Movement was just that, a movement, not a party. My part of the TEA Party, the group that I guide, is totally non partisan when it comes to Republican, Democrat, or Independent. We always invite all to our rallies. True, most Democrats do not come, many Republicans do come, but all are welcome.

I dont believe that a third party has the chance of a snow ball in hell. Here in my town we had a three candidate election for Mayor. The winner got 36% of the vote, hardly a mandate. But a Conservative movement that is willing to reach across the isle to Conservative Democrats could lead to the salvation of our country.

These primary elections show that we CAN do it. 60,000 people showed up to vote in the CLOSED Republican primaries in Delaware. In the past only 20,000 would be expected in the primaries. This shows the power of the TEA Party Movement.

BTW, The fourth Ingleside-On-The-Bay TEA Party rally will be on the 16th of October at the Bahia Marina in Ingleside OTB starting at 3PM. The keynote speaker will be Tom Pauken, the Texas Republican Party Chairman from 1994 thru 1998 the period when the Republican Party came to dominance in Texas. He has also written the book "The Thirty Years War: The Politics of the ‘60s Generation" and more recently, "Bringing America Home." If you have never heard him speak, you are in for a real treat. Tom Pauken is a Conservatives Conservative.

Jim Isbell

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