Saturday, November 20, 2010

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

I have just spent an enjoyable two days at a TEA Party Summit with TEA Party leaders from around the state of Texas.

I had been relaxing a bit after our resounding victory in South Texas where we accomplished a clean sweep of the ticket. Not one loss on the entire ballot. This was not totally unexpected, we were very confident, but to actually accomplish it was exhilarating.

Now I find that after almost two years of hit and miss tactics as we all tried to learn politics from the bottom up with no help from the incumbents we were all very successful with our campaigns, Some more than others, but everyone had some successes and for the most part, more successes than failures. This is exciting information that is hard to get in a grass roots organization with no Top Down structure. The TEA Party has prided itself in the fact that it is a bottom up structure.

But we need to open some lines of communication so we can share our successes and methods to accomplish those successes. We don't need to establish any power structure, just communications lines. This was the goal of this TEA Party Summit.

What was very encouraging to me is that as we all learned by trial and error, we were still able to beat the bastards at their own game. Imagine what it will be like in 2012 when we are all seasoned pros and we have begun to share our information. Our learning curve will head for the roof. The “professional” politicians who have been coasting have never been up against an organization like ours will be morphing into. I dont think they have the capability to morph themselves into a defensive position for two reasons. I am not sure they are smart enough and they are hampered by a belief in the Top Down structure. There is no room for innovation in a top down structure. We are not hampered that way with our structure.

For this reason, we must NOT stop working. We have to work even harder so that we dont slip back. We must share everything we have learned. There were about 50 or a bit more of us at this summit. There should have been more.

I know that some shunned the gathering because of some differences of opinion on what the goals were. But we must remember that while there are some differences locally, our over all goal is to find candidates that will protect the Constitution, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments, and recruit fiscally conservative candidates. These two goals are over all. The rest is just fluff.

If we let ourselves get attracted to “Straw Men” that we set up for ourselves, like abortion, gambling, and other, similar goals that are better left to our religious communities, and forget the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments to the US Constitution and our fiscal responsibility, we will be lost in wasting energy on the “fluff” and will lose our country to the Progressives. We will defeat ourselves if we fight among ourselves. United we stand, divided we fall. Yes, we must not forget the “fluff” but it does not help us to win a battle if we lose the war. We must win the war first and then go about “fundamentally changing our country.”

Jim Isbell
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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