Remember that old saying from the 1950s ? It was true then and its true now. But for maybe another reason.
Two months ago we started getting the alcohol laced gasoline at the fuel pumps. Now its almost everywhere. I cant find any pure gasoline here in the Corpus Christi area.
The reason for this alcohol gasoline mix is to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and replace it with alcohol made from corn. But its a total failure right from the start. It doesn't even do what it is supposed to do and further it is causing hunger in other parts of the world.
The gasoline alcohol mix is 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol. Thats being generous, because the pumps say "up to 10% alcohol" but if its actually LESS, then it is even worse for the world!!
Why would I say that? Are we not saving 1 gallon in every 10 gallons of gasoline? NO, we ARE NOT!!! The mix results in a 10% loss in mileage. I defy you to test it and see if you are not getting 10% less mileage than you were on pure gasoline.
If you take out 1/10th of each gallon of gas and replace it with 1/10 gallon of alcohol and the result is a loss of 10% in mileage, then why add in the alcohol? The mileage would be the same if you just ran the 9/10th gallon of gasoline without the alcohol!!! The alcohol only adds bulk so that it can be sold as a "Gallon of Gas".
This means that you will buy 11 gallons of the mix to replace 10 gallons of gasoline to go the SAME distance. You will pay 3% LESS per gallon for the mix than for the pure gasoline, but you will loose 10% mileage. Therefore you pay more PER MILE than before and use the SAME amount of petrol derived gasoline for a given distance, but you also use about 2 gallons of alcohol, per tank full of gas, made from corn which someone could be eating.
In the end, for NO GAIN IN MILEAGE OR REDUCTION IN PETROLEUM USE someone in a third world country can DIE OF STARVATION and the motoring public PAYS FOR IT.
Does this make ANY SENSE to you?
In might make sense if someone is trying to make us dependent on government subsidized corn production. But why would anyone want to do that?
Jim Isbell
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