Monday, September 20, 2010


Sunday the Pastors subject included the idea that we should pray for our political leaders, especially for those with whom we disagree. Some would think that praying for the well being and guidance of an "Evil" leader is counterproductive.

This is not so. This is, in fact essential, no mater what your religion is! I am of the opinion that at least ONE of us must be right and if we all pray, then at least one is talking to the real God and will get results.

Realize, that any leader will be guided by either God (whatever name you give him) or by the antithesis of God, in my religion called the Devil. If we pray for him/her to be guided by God, then we have eliminated the other option. This is good.

I do not push my religion on anybody. I may present it as the truth as I know it, I have PROOF that satisfies me and most people that I explain the proof to. But I dont give my proof unless asked for it.

BUT...and many people on my side of the street wont agree with this...I don't see why if the Indian who worships Shiva has a different word for love than I do, why couldn't he also have a different word for God than I do? If the Japanese who worship Buddha have a different word for heaven than I do, why couldn't they have a different word for God than I do?

The argument against this, from people that believe similarly to myself, is that the "story" that tells of Gods works and his/her (I don't think that is relevant) moral expectations is different so it cant be the same God. But I respond by reminding people of the game where you whisper a secret around a circle of friends and see how it comes out at the end. Thats always a real surprise. Since all religions have their beginnings in an oral history I can see how the message could become garbled, but the God still be the same one. After all, the bible tells of the Tower of Babble.

Now, of course, I think mine is the "Inspired word of God" and could not be garbled. The Buddhist also thinks the same as I do, that his is unaltered, as does the worshiper of Shiva.

But it is really irrelevant, at least while we are still alive, since MOST of the religions teach a moral code, a code of conduct, that if followed is supposed to insure your AND your neighbors well being while still here on earth. If we all followed that code, which ever one it is, the world would be a better place.

Of course, we all feel that OUR religion is the best one when it comes to the afterlife as we all feel the other one wont be able to deliver. But that is only relevant for oneself. My religion tells me to tell others about my religion, but it does not tell me to shove it down their throat as one interpretation of Islam seems to.

Jim Isbell

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