I was just talking to someone about the introduction of “Straw Men” in a debate. In the course of this discussion of “straw men” I realized that the immigration debate is a perfect example of the tactic.
I am traveling around the USA right now, and this week I am in Fremont Nebraska. This town is famous for its most recent escapade, passing a law against the hiring of or rental to, illegal immigrants. The Obama administration has decided to sue Fremont, NE for its blatant attempt to enforce United States law, just as they are suing Arizona for trying to enforce United States law.
But Ironically, the Feds are going to “negotiate” with Nancy Polosi's town, San Francisco, about their blatant attempt to break federal law. SF wants to be “exempt” from the requirement of submitting finger prints of criminals to the FBI because they are afraid it might identify illegal immigrants, I wonder why the Feds are so intent on stopping those that want to uphold federal law, but want to “negotiate” with those that want to break federal law? Why should one city be exempt from Federal Law while all others must toe the line?
Just what do the liberals not understand about the word “Illegal”? Instead of presenting arguments for their position, they set up straw men to knock down:
1.You cannot just round up 11 million illegal aliens and deport them. It would be too big a project.
No one is proposing “rounding up” 11 million illegals. So this argument is a straw man. The 11 million will all go home if they cannot find a job or a place to live. No one will have to deport them, they will all go home voluntarily if, in Fremont they cannot get a job or a house, sometime before the first SNOW fall.
2.It is inhumane to make them go home, family's and all.
That implies that it is NOT inhumane to allow those that have been on the waiting list for years and are still living in poverty in a Mexican slum, awaiting their chance to immigrate legally to remain in poverty while the “cheaters”, the “illegals” get to apply for citizenship before them. This is another straw man. If the illegals are voluntarily going home because of laws like Arizona's and Fremont's, then there will be places for the people that have waited patiently in line.
BUT....this line jumping is a cultural anomaly in the country of Mexico. I have traveled there extensively and almost daily see the people jumping lines, its accepted and you don't even see any complaints. If they were in London, they would be hung from the nearest lamp post. The English will wait patiently in line for hours without a whimper. But woe be it to a line jumper.
3.We need the workers because they take jobs no one else will take.
When unemployment is at 9.6% you cannot convince me of that. Well, maybe you can now that we have 99 weeks of unemployment benefits. I know when I was unemployed back in the early 90s, I used every single penny of my unemployment benefits before I started seriously looking for work. I calculated that the amount the government was offering to stay unemployed was more than the amount I would have left over if I had a job and was paying taxes on the income and car expenses and lunch expenses, and clothing, etc, etc. It was not a political decision, it was a simple economic decision. But that is a whole 'nother blog.
4.They do not contribute to crime in the US
Simple, the statistics prove otherwise. Just saying it does NOT make it true. Another straw man.
5.You are a racist to be against ILLEGAL immigration.
Just ANOTHER straw man. How can I be a racist when my ancestry, proven by my Spanish sur name, is Hispanic? I am also partly Irish and I don't want any illegal Irish immigrants here either.
The entire Democrat argument is made up of straw men. I hope that this November will set fire to the straw and winnow out the wheat.
Jim Isbell
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