This past week I was staying in the home of a friend that is a Liberal Democrat...albeit a good friend for over 20 years.
As usual we got into discussing politics, in fact that is where I was educated on the Missouri "Adult" Industry Law that I have been posting about. The Missouri version of Sharia Law. During our debate we came to Glenn Beck, of course. My friend commented that he didnt like the yelling and "used car" salesman type of delivery but confessed that when seen in print he tended to agree with Glenn Becks comments.
I questioned whether he had ever actually watched the Glenn Beck show because the Glenn Beck I know didnt yell and was actually more of a history teacher with a soft spoken attack. Soft, but very direct, occasionally raising his voice but then very quickly dropping it again. We then got into who was watching what. It became apparent to us both that he was listening to the RADIO show and I was watching the TV show.
We both agreed to watch/listen to the other and report back. I hope Gene is reading this, because this is my report. Maybe its good that we have only the written words of our founding fathers and no TV tapes or audio recordings, because I found Glenn Beck to be similar to what my friend did on RADIO....however I didnt have to listen to the yelling because I just turned the volume down.
But now I see what he is talking about...and its only a mater of delivery, not the message.
If we had been able to hear Thomas Jefferson saying some of the things he is credited with, and heard it in a ranting voice, maybe we would not, today, be so agreeable with them.
My suggestion to anyone that doesnt like Glenn Becks delivery, turn down the volume, or switch to the afternoon TV show 5 days a week on FOX news. The words are worth putting up with the delivery!!
Jim Isbell
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