Monday, August 9, 2010

Proles and animals are free

This phrase from George Orwells "1984" still sticks in my mind after reading the novel in 1956, over 50 years ago.

The Proles consisted of over 80% of the population of Oceana at that time. They were uneducated and were considered the "lower class" of society. But they had Freedom. They were not watched closely as they were not considered to be a threat to "Big Brother". They were poor in one sense of the word, they did not have the health care or the food, of the "Outer Party", but in another sense, they were very rich. They were free.

I look at the world today and see freedom slipping away from us. Many of us work hard to revive freedom before it dies. Some of us, like me, organize TEA Parties and get active politically. But I am tired. I see few young people coming in to help carry the load. I see the young being taken in by "Newspeak" and "Doublethink"

I am becoming weary of standing on the hill and screaming, "look out" and no one hears me. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound? I wonder if I am making a sound.

The Proles are looking better and better every day. There are third world countries where the people are more free than the citizens of the US will be in 10 years. As long as they don't want to get involved with Politics which generates the possibility of a short life, and as long as they are willing to accept a lower standard of living than the Politicians, they are free. Is it so bad to be without some physical amenities and a political conscience if you can have your God and you are free from the "Thought Police"? I am beginning to think not.

Jim Isbell

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