Sunday, October 31, 2010

Are we doing the right Thing?

I often ask myself that when working on my next event for the TEA Party. If you don't ask yourself that then you are not thinking about what you are doing. The conservative movement needs thinking individuals, not mindless automatons like the great majority of Democrats and many Republicans that just keep trying things that failed in other countries. They keep thinking, "Maybe it was because we just did this one thing wrong." Proof of this mentality is showing up already from the mouths of the President and VP. He is already down playing the losses he is expecting by suggesting that its not the failed program, but rather, "We didn't explain it enough." Or maybe its because he is black, which couldn't be further from the truth, but he clings to that as an excuse. Or maybe the electorate just isn't smart enough to understand what he is doing. They are just a bunch of dummies....according to the VP. But they just cant see that what they are doing is the WRONG thing and "we the people" have caught them at it.

But the other night as I sat at the computer writing I realized I was doing just exactly the right thing. It was late at night, well past midnight and I was sitting in a dark room with only the light of the monitor as I typed. As I thought about what I was writing I realized that in some countries this would be considered high treason and I could be arrested for it. A cold chill ran down my spine as I recalled a visit I made to Guatemala some years back, shortly after the new Constitution was adopted and it became a safer place to visit.

People were still afraid and the doors were always locked and bared after 9PM. My wife and I went out to see a "movie" and forgot about the curfew that our host had presented us with. We were innocent gringos and young. A "movie" at that time and maybe still is, a trip to a nearby home where someone had a stack of VHS tapes and a large screen TV. There were perhaps 15 folding chairs in front of the TV and for 15 cents you could see any movie in the library as long as that is what everyone else wanted to see. That evening the movie was a documentary about "Romero", the priest that was executed by a right wing death squad. As we sat there I was thinking, "This would not be allowed a few years ago." "Maybe its not allowed now!" Again, a cold chill ran up my spine and I imagined a group of guerrillas with AK47s bursting through the door and spraying bullets everywhere. It was real and a chilling experience. As we walked home in the dark on cobble stone streets under a full moon and arrived at our hosts home to a bared door, we realized the fear that existed, still then, in this country. We were allowed back in and admonished never to stay out that late again.

As I was writing my blog I had felt that same chill. I suddenly realized that I was probably on some list somewhere as an "enemy". The chill got colder. That was when I knew I was doing the right thing.

If you don't feel a chill when you become active in politics, then maybe you are not active enough, or maybe not touching the edge of the envelope.

If you have never felt that chill, you can start by going to the polls Tuesday, November 2nd, and voting for the conservatives. If you don't have time between now and then to sort them all out, then just pull the lever for Republican and then we can sort them out later. I don't like a single lever vote and have never done it before this year, but the risk is to great this time to do anything else.

If that doesn't give you the chill then you need to get involved with the TEA Party until it does. I certainly hope I am on somebodies list, because if I am not, I am not trying hard enough.

Jim Isbell

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