Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So What Was His Exit Strategy?

Mr Obama was always grousing about Bushes failure to have an "Exit Strategy" But he doesn't have one either.

19 months ago Obama took office and started the recovery of the economy...or so he said. But he didn't have an exit strategy. His plan was to spend,spend,spend until the economy recovered. But it didnt work. So whats his exit strategy?

When you start a plan like this you should always plan for the "What Ifs" He didn't.

Any logical thinking person could see that once you have spent 2 trillion dollars, if it doesn't work, you cant get the money back. There is no exit strategy. It better work or else. If it doesn't work, you cannot raise taxes to get the money already spent or you will further collapse the economy. On the other hand, if you dont raise taxes the deficit will balloon. You are between a rock and a hard place.

On the other hand, if you try to get things going by cutting taxes and it doesn't work, you have not built up a 2 trillion dollar deficit and all you have to do is try the other attack and raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. There is your exit strategy.

If Mr Obama had thought it out he could be now saying, "I tried it your way and it didn't work" (if it indeed did not work) "so now I will try it my way." If it had worked he would be a hero in 19 months from his inauguration. If it didn't and then spending did work, he would, again, be a hero for trying the oppositions plan first and showing it to be defective.

But by stubbornly sticking to the same plan that didn't work in 1932 and failing, he is an ass. Now he will try cutting taxes. If it works he is an ass for not trying it sooner and if it doesn't work he is still an ass. Its a NO WIN situation for him!!

What this shows is that the man is a fool. He could have been a hero but he chose to screw it up, all in the name of a philosophy that had already been proven wrong in 1932.

Jim Isbell

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