Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Is Happening In Egypt? Freedom? Democracy?

Its been a week now since it all started. In the beginning there was a peaceful gathering in the square. Then two days later some government thugs launched into the crowds after the police were withdrawn. Luckily the army has remained aloof to the situation and are helping to keep it calm.

Then yesterday the crowds became calm and the opposing protesters stayed away from each other. This is a good sign. Prior to that it looked like it might degenerate into a civil war and there was no guessing how that might turn out. There would have been a 50/50 chance that it could go either way.

But the people in the streets don't want a more repressive government, they want a less repressive government and sanity is prevailing. The word is out that total anarchy is NOT the way to Freedom. Note, I said Freedom, not Democracy. The reason I said Freedom is that a democracy does not guarantee Freedom. Nor does a dictatorship guarantee repression. Those of us that are Christians, after all, believe in a coming benevolent Dictatorship of God. Our United States Republic...note, again I did not say not a perfect guarantee of Freedom, but its better than a pure Democracy.

But it looks like clearer heads are prevailing, at least for the time being. I hope it stays that way.

I was appalled at the comments from the media that they were surprised to find that Freedom of the Press was not being upheld. Just who do they think they are to go into a foreign country and expect the Freedoms that they enjoy in our Republic to be upheld? They are sounding like the Muslims that want their Sharia Law to be the law of the land here, in Michigan. The press will rail against this but they then go to a Muslim country and decry the loss of THEIR freedoms there. The press seems to have a double standard!

But then so does our present administration that refuses to abide by court decisions saying, "Its only a few judges" What would have happened to G W Bush if he had said of a court decision, "Its only a few judges" and then went on to be in contempt of court, as the Obama administration has done in regard to the offshore drilling ban. Bush would have been tarred and feathered.

So there is no reason to believe the media and their darling Obama would be any different. One set of rules for the Leaders and another for the serfs. One set of rules for the US and another for other foreign countries. Its their true face, two faced.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic

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