Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Aftermath Of Armageddon

Its been a few days since the massacre in Arizona and you would think by now that cooler heads would have prevailed. But, NO, it seems the Left is just getting started with Gun Control, Free Speech, and limitations on the movement of people.

These are the tools that those that would enslave us will use to do the job. First scare us into following their lead then after we have given up our freedom, they will take the reins. This was the same tactic that was used by the "Manmade Global Warming" scam. First they scared us by offering scenarios that painted a bleak future for the human race. Then while we were reeling from the effects of the predictions, and before we could gather our wits to research and find that it was all a scam, they tried to pass legislation to enslave us using us as their willing participants.

Luckily we are awakening from the stupor that Al Gore tried to put us into. We are beginning to see that MGW doesn't exist. We are rejecting "Cap and Trade". And while oil prospecting and drilling are not yet back to the levels they need to be, we are working on that. Nov 2nd 2010 was the first step and Nov 6th 2012 will be the second step.

Today I got a report that there are some people that will not attend the TEA Party event in Portland on Saturday because they are fearful of large crowds since last weeks massacre in Arizona. As FDR said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." As much as I don't like quoting FDR, in this case he is right. Submitting to fear and not attending the TEA Party is enabling the Left to take your freedom. That is the beginning.... It wont stop there.

Now they are trying to pass legislation to to further enslave us, Gun Control, and Speech Control. If we allow that we are doomed to fail in upholding the goals of our conservative movement to uphold the Constitution.

Can you imagine a law that outlaws guns within 1,000 feet of a federal official. The first one affected would be that official, stopping him/her from carrying a weapon to defend themselves!!! Then making it criminal for me to carry a legal firearm while having dinner in public because at any moment a federal official might walk in and make me an instant criminal. This is asinine!!

And limiting the language that can be used on talk radio is negating the 1st amendment directly. It is "NewSpeak" as was used by "Big Brother" in the novel 1984. Oddly this idea is supported by a Democrat that, during the campaign, said he wanted his opponent to be lined up against a wall and shot. This even though the evidence is that the accused killer didn't listen to radio or TV political discourse ANYWAY.

They haven't gone after the 10th amendment yet.... But from my reading of the Constitution and the interpretation that the Progressives propose of its meaning, I think the only thing that the 10th amendment still protects for the states is the right to secede from the union!! Maybe not a bad idea.

That madman can cause you, through fear, to do more harm to yourself than he did to you. This is the goal of all suicide bombers. They do, by fear, what they are not able to do by law or reason.

Do Not Surrender to the madmen of the world.

I chose to live free because even if that choice leads to my demise, in the interim, I will have lived better than those who have surrendered. Emiliano Zapata said it best when he said, "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
American Majority
Red State
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