Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Is Theft Legal?

Government is just like a dieter. It promises you it will loose weight and then just keeps on eating.

Everyone, on both sides is saying in 10...or in 20....or in 30 years Social Security will be bankrupt. Some even say it is already bankrupt. But no one wants to stop eating.

Government keeps stealing from the trust fund and replacing the money with IOU's The IOU's will be paid in the future with inflated money and without interest. Now, tell me, would you loan money to someone without insuring that what you got back had the same value? If you would please post back to me, I need some of that free money.

Even though everyone is fully aware of the theft that is going on, no one wants to stop the robber. Why? Because the robber is a voter. His/Her vote will help keep the politicians in office. The Democrats don't want to stop the theft and will sit on their hands until there is a rioting populace burning down the Government. And the Republicans are exactly identical. Whoever jumps first on the robber will loose the next election because all the robbers friends will vote against that party! Sure, they are a minority, but they are the "Balance" that will tip the scales in the favor of the robber.

I will be 75 years old this year and I receive a Social Security check each month. BUT.....I would gladly give it up if the government would be able to assure me that I would see DEflation and not INflation for the rest of my days on this earth. But they cannot offer me that because deflation would make their debts increase. They would have to pay back all their borrowing with money that was worth MORE than it was when they borrowed it. Government cannot afford that as they have no real income except what they can extract from you and there is a limit to that.

The government has a vested interest in inflation. The government tells us that 2 or 3% inflation is normal and is good. It isn't normal or good. It is just the way government pays for their diet of spending. When a business spends it produces a product that is sold for income to support that spending. When the government spends it produces NO PRODUCT that it can sell so it must stoop to theft to get the money it needs to continue producing nothing and robbing the people.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic

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