Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Does Obama Want A Key To Shut Off The Internet?

Recently Obama has been clamoring for the legislation that would allow him to shut down the Internet when ever he felt it was needed. The clamor will probably go underground now. They will want to hide the effort for a while. We must take this to our legislators and tell them why Obama should not have that power.

If you don't know why it is important that he doesn't have that ability, just look at what happened Friday when the demonstrations broke out in Egypt. What was the first thing the government did? Why did they do it? They freely admitted that they shut down the Internet so that the demonstrators, that were calling for democratic elections and the ouster of the dictator, would not be able to organize and communicate with each other.

Obama wants that power. He wants the power to quell an uprising. If King George had been able to shut down communication among the colonist there might not have been a United States. Paul Revere and other riders were able to communicate so that the colonists were able to put together an insurrection to throw the Red Coats out of the country. Obamas call for the power to shut down the Internet is equivalent to King George calling for the confiscation of all horses in the colonies.

We must not let Obama get that power. If he gets that first, by stealth, the next power he will be after is the ability to squelch the "right to keep and bear arms". If he had both of those the country would be in deep S**t!

The first and second amendments are under attack as they have never been since the forming of this nation.

There is a reason the first and second amendments are the first and second. Its is because they are the very foundation of the system of "checks and balances". With a population that is able to communicate and a population that is armed, there is a check on the excesses of a corrupt government. The founding fathers knew this. After all, it was because they had a free press and were armed that they were able to throw out the Dictator, King George, and found this wonderful country that we call home.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic

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