Thursday, January 6, 2011

End of Life Counseling or Death Panels???

What you call it all depends on how it is handled.

If you are forced to take it without asking it means that SOMEONE thinks you NEED it. Or, in other words, someone thinks you should make that decision which means they think death, for YOU, is a valid option. This is what the original language in the Obama Care bill forced. It made mandatory, annual end of life counseling for all recipients of Medicare, whether they asked for it or not. This indicates that someone in government thought that after 64 years of age everyone should consider suicide at least once a year!!! That is a death panel.

OK, the administration has backed off of that stance. But as this article points out, there is more to this than meets the eye.

Obamacare Pushes for Early Death

In this article on they report that the "government is [STILL] developing and widely disseminating “decision aids”; that is, brochures". And as the article says, "that is none of their business".

In my opinion that is like having a beneficiary of your last will and testament advising you on the benefits of suicide!!! The government has a vested interest in whether you live or die once you are on Medicare..AND Social Security!! Do you really want them to be advising you on whether you should commit suicide or not? They stand to gain perhaps $25,000 a year from your demise!!! If they can convince enough people to choose death, they might be able to balance the budget.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not against the counseling being available if and when you ask for it. But even then, it should not be from "government guidelines" or from government written "decision aids". It should be from your doctor and from his/her experience with similar patients or from your Pastor or Imam, or whatever. The choice of the source of your information should be YOURS, not the GOVERNMENTS.

Personally, I would never commit suicide. I am too much of an optimist. My worry would be that the day I decided to end it all, the next day they would discover an instant cure for my illness!!! I will wait until my maker calls me home and not one day earlier.

Jim Isbell
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