Sunday, January 23, 2011

Moving To The Center, Thats Good?

I have refrained from posting for a few days because all there is on the news is discussion of how discourse caused murder and how to keep guns out of the hands of the population in general. Neither of which I agree with. Besides, there is no reason to argue with idiots. And, as has been said before, "If you have nothing to say it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

However in two days we will be hearing some drivel from our President that needs to be countered before it happens.

In two days Pres. Obama will say that we need to spend more money to bring the economy back. Back to what? Back to where it was before the collapse? Isn't that where we DON'T want to go? They have already spent nearly 1 trillion dollars on several programs that were supposed to keep the unemployment rate below 8% and it has been near 10% the whole time. Two years and nothing has changed. So do we want to try what hasn't worked for two years? Why? Is there evidence that the world has changed and that now it will work? Of course not.

The solution to getting the ball rolling again is Taxes. Yes, I said Taxes. Can you imagine what would happen if we instantly dropped the corporate income tax to 15%? That would be below the Canadian corporate income tax. Thousands of businesses and jobs would pull back to the US like a huge vacuum cleaner, like a black hole. And like the collapse of a star into a black hole there would shortly be a huge explosion into a Nova. In just a few months there would be full employment AND the return of taxpayer jobs and the influx of businesses trying to escape the higher taxes in the rest of the world would create an explosion of US business like the world has never seen and the increased taxes from the volume instead of the excessive taxes on a few would level the national debit in just a couple of years!!

Some say Obama is moving to the center. But only with his talk. He is not actually moving to the center, he is only stretching his neck so that his head looks like its in the center but his body is still far left. Has he stopped pushing the national health care debacle that will eliminate thousands of jobs? Has he stopped pushing Cap and Trade which will eliminate thousands of jobs?

No, he is still far to the left and the position of his rhetoric makes no change in his policies.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
July 3rd 2010 Speech
April 17th 2010 Speech
Trinity Base - in Defense of our Republic
American Majority
Red State
Blog Mirror of The Free Republic
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