Saturday, January 1, 2011

Non-Consentual Sex Partners

This article:

912 Project - Jared Law

makes the point that calling Illegal Immigrants, "Undocumented Workers" is like calling rapists "non-Consentual Sex Partners".

I think that Political Correctness has now gone over the precipice. At first I thought PC was just a little overly sensitive, but now it is obvious that it is really just a form of "NewSpeak". In the novel "1984" the world was ruled by Big Brother and there was a government department that had as its sole purpose, redefining words in such a way that they were not critical of the government. If the government was "retreating" in a battle, then the department of NewSpeak would redefine retreat to mean "advancing to a position of sustainable military action". The next week when the enemy was retreating, the definition was changed again.

Today the liberals have redefined "Liberal" to be "Progressive". Now, how can anyone be against progress??

They redefine "Illegal Immigrant" to be "Un Documented Worker" even though he/she may not be a worker at all, he/she may be a panhandler and may actually have documentation ... from his native country....

Janet Napolitano defines a "patriot" that exposes government weaknesses as a "Terrorist". I guess if you are for the downfall of the government so that you can replace it with a form more to your liking, as the current administration seems hell bent to do, then anything that might thwart that goal IS terrorism.

Obama calls "Death Panels" "End of life counseling" and rule by Legislative and Judicial arms of the government is replaced with "Regulation by Government Agency" and "Recess Appointment"

It wont work in the end because Obama underestimates the intelligence of the American people. We are a lot smarter than we look. Just because for the last 60 years we have been taking it lying down, doesn't mean we will continue. We will learn the language and no matter how they redefine it we will learn the new definitions. We are no longer going to have non-consensual sex with a government bent on screwing us. We are fighting back, we are calling the Progressives what they are, "Rapists".

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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