Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spin Or Just Denial??

Over the past few days I have been watching the Democrats speak against the Health Care Bill repeal and it just amazes me. Either they are in denial or they are out and out liars just trying to spin their answers.

One Democrat today said that the Republicans were going against the voters who voted for them to go after the economy and NOT to repeal ObamaCare. I wonder where he was when the lead up to the election was taking place? Of course he left out that repealing ObamaCare would be a boon to the economy. So the Republicans are going after two birds with one stone. That is efficiency.

This Democrat also said that going after ObamaCare was a bad move because, "look at what this bill will mean", insuring 15 million people and keeping them out of the emergency rooms. What? I wonder what flavor of cool aide he is drinking. The 15 million people that are being covered are all being moved to Medicaid, where the states are responsible for the cost. Its just moving the cost from the emergency room budget to the state tax rolls. I wonder how that will affect California!!! Or is it? It is well known that Medicaid patients are one of the largest users of the Emergency room!!! So it increases the cost to the state AND does NOT reduce the emergency room use. But he conveniently left out that part.

Another Democrat decries the use of several days to repeal ObamaCare as a waste of time that could be better spent on recovering the economy since the President will veto it anyway. It seems that loosers always want to shift the focus of the winners. First, showing small business that Republicans are serious about reform or repeal of ObamaCare will cause small business to be more confident in the future and more likely to expand. So two or three days to vote to repeal, whether it happens or not, is good for the moral of small business. Good for the economy!!

This Democrat also wants time to debate. This is an UP or DOWN vote, nothing to debate. Do we repeal the ObamaCare Bill or do we not. There will be no additions, amendments, changes, just, yes or no. But I have noticed that politicians ON BOTH SIDES, seem to have a problem with yes or no answers. Those are two words that they just cannot understand when posed as a question. Of course they have no problem saying YES to spending, and NO to tax cuts. I think I now understand why it is only in modern times, since the Great Depression that spending has gotten out of hand. They needed the income from the Income Tax to have something to spend. Prior to the depression there was no income tax! Now days they dont even need income, just inflation!!

Another Democrat says that "Once the people get to know ObamaCare, they will like it." Well, its been over a year and they still don't like it. And they like it less every day. 75% against and 25% for was the last poll I saw. When is the turnaround in sentiment supposed to start? Maybe after the turnaround in unemployment? I doubt that it will ever happen. Under the current President I doubt that EITHER will happen.

Either these Democrats have been drinking the Presidents cool aide and really believe what they are saying, or they are liars. Neither possibility is encouraging for the American People and our future under Democratic leadership.

Make Obama a one term President as the former vice president is predicting.

Jim Isbell
The Free Republic
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